Japan to loosen travel restrictions imposed during pandemic

Tokyo, September 23 (BNA): The Japanese Prime Minister announced, Thursday, that the strict restrictions imposed on the Japanese border will be eased next month, allowing tourists to enter easily for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic.

At a press conference at the foot of Central Park in New York, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said independent tourists would be welcome again from October 11, not just those traveling with licensed groups. , according to the Associated Press.

The number of tourists being granted entry – which has been gradually increased this year – will be completely de-limited. Visa requirements that have been imposed in response to the pandemic will also be scrapped.

Japan’s strict restrictions on COVID-19 are causing a drop in visitors and a decline in its tourism industry. Although foreign tourists were welcomed back in June after a hiatus of more than two years, the reopening has been overwhelming for many seeking to visit.

An earlier ad touted as a convenience to the group tour rule turned out to be, for many tourists, nothing but – the introduction of a complicated process that required getting a pass through a Japanese travel agent, often with exorbitant fees or commissions.

Now, the country appears to be returning to normal, just in time for some to book foliage travel in Japan. Kishida said a campaign will be launched aimed at boosting the tourism industry by offering discounts.

Kishida spoke on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. In other statements, he called for reform of the United Nations Security Council and dismissed any doubts about increasing Japan’s military spending, saying it remains a “peace-loving country”.

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