Germany records higher number of illegal border crossings from Poland

Potsdam, Germany, October 2 (BNA): The number of people trying to cross the border from Poland into Germany illegally has increased significantly over the past two months, police in Berlin said on Friday.

Larger-than-normal numbers were recorded, with 225 people trying to enter the country illegally in August and 1,305 in September, according to police.

Police said most of the people came from Iraq, Syria, Iran and Yemen.

In total, 1,156 people tried to enter the country via Belarus, Lithuania or Poland, according to police, German news agency dpa reported.

The day before, 40 people were discovered in a truck near the border city of Frankfurt an der Oder. A judge has ordered the pre-trial detention of a Ukrainian national suspected of human smuggling.

On Thursday, police also found 41 people, including a woman and two children, in Ragaux, south of Berlin. Police said a suspect of people smuggling from Belarus has been remanded in custody.

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