Rescuers recover 26 dead from mudslide in India’s northeast

New Delhi, July 2 (BNA): Heavy rains and falling rocks, Saturday, hampered rescuers who have so far recovered 26 bodies from the wreckage of the mudslide that wiped out a railway construction site in northeastern India, officials said.

Rescue work is expected to continue for two days in the rugged mountainous terrain with little hope of finding survivors among the 37 people still missing since Wednesday night, according to the Associated Press.

Pankaj Kavidial, a rescue official, said 21 of the 26 confirmed dead were members of the regional army. Military personnel were providing security for railway officials due to the decades-long rebellion to seek a separate homeland for the ethnic and tribal groups in the area.

More than 250 rescuers and police using bulldozers and other equipment took part in the operation in Noni town near Imphal, the state capital of Manipur.

They were warned of new mudslides reported in the area on Saturday.


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