Bahrain completes 4th WTO review in Geneva

Manama, November 26 (BNA) His Excellency Mr. Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, announced recently that the Kingdom of Bahrain has completed the fourth review of the trade policy of the World Trade Organization held. At the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

The minister explained that the Kingdom was widely welcomed by the World Trade Organization and member states after its presentation over a period of three days, explaining the most important procedures, legislation and government programs that are directly reflected on the development of the commercial environment in the Kingdom. the two seas.

The presentation was presented with the participation of a delegation that included His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Yousef Abdulkarim Bucheery, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United Nations, and representatives from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and the Ministry of Finance and National Economy. The Central Bank of Bahrain, the National Revenue Authority and the Economic Development Board.

Mr. Al-Zayani expressed his pride in this achievement, which adds to the Kingdom’s record of remarkable achievements, saying: “Bahrain, with its successes and ambitions, has today become a global model that must be followed at all levels, and has proven its accuracy in achieving its goals. The procedures, legislation and sound steps thanks to the great support From the wise leadership of the Kingdom and the participation of all concerned parties in one spirit under the Bahrain team in overcoming many crises, especially the repercussions of the global epidemic. He drew up an approach to preserve its gains, and even aspired to achieve more in order to achieve more progress.”

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Ms. Atalia Molokomi Ntsrana, Chairman of the Trade Policy Review Committee, also praised the legislative developments and measures achieved by the Kingdom of Bahrain since the previous assessment in 2014. She described the assessment result as very positive, given the great interaction, which can be described as clarity and transparency, and the Bahraini side testifies to it of the organization and its members.

On this occasion, Minister Al-Zayani expressed his gratitude and appreciation to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister for their endless support, wise guidance and ambitious visions to create a strong economy based on diversity and creativity, adding that this achievement is a Motivation for additional achievements in the future.

The Minister appreciated the great efforts made by the delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain and all government agencies, bodies, councils, the legislative authority and everyone who participated in preparing programs and plans to support this important file.

The submitted report included the procedures, programs and legislation taken by the Kingdom, which covered all sectors since the last review that took place in 2014, which has had a positive impact on the development of the trade environment, facilitating trade flows, economic diversification, attracting more investments and accelerating the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement two years before its launch, in addition to To present an economic recovery plan for the Kingdom of Bahrain in the post-epidemic period.

It is worth noting that the Kingdom of Bahrain has been a founding member of the World Trade Organization since 1995.

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