I HAD A DREAM LAST NIGHT . . . you were in it!

Remember that song, by Randy Newman? Well I had dream last night, and “you were in it, and I was in it with you. And everyone that I know, and everyone that you know, was in my dream.” More on that later.

But first, here’s another fabulous Randy Newman song. What does it mean? It’s obviously satiric, but seems to both vilify and praise Putin? Huh? Just like now: the very word “Putin” carries a double meaning, depending on which side of the great divide one is on. Either he is the most seasoned and rational statesman present upon the planet (my view, shared by others) or he is the original evil monster (the endlessly repeated deep state mainstream media view).

The song has eerie resonance with what’s going on now, world-wide, eh? And not “just” because populist movements are popping up everywhere, with Canada leading the way. But because, yep, the Covid Con, originally designed to be the finale of the grand plan to kill 95% of humanity, is melting down way too early — and, damn those deplorable truckers! — and damn the many states who, over the past several months, have been independently (just like the truckers, in a very Aquarian, decentralized manner), ramping up their discoveries of election fraud 2020 — and, and . . . okay, quick, we need a new distraction. Yes! Let’s pull out the oldest FF card in the by now thoroughly predictable globalist playbook, the one that began in 1947, with the start of the CIA and the “Cold War.” Once again, just as throughout the ’50s, and then with the Cuban Missile Crisis in November 1962, and vaguely ever since then, despite the so-called end of the Cold War, yes, THE WORLD’S GOING TO END! NOW! SUDDENLY!

Yep! It’s RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA again —  with Ukraine! Putin! NATO! Nuclear War! its current iteration.

Now why is it that I just can’t take this latest distraction drummed up by our present US fake administration seriously? Except, of course, as usual, it’s good for business. And “the business of America is business.”


I’ll never forget when Bush Junior was installed as President and within days, his handler, VP Dick Cheney, called in  weapons manufacturers for a secret meeting. Hmmm . . . What went on there?

I’ve already said that of all the so-called “leaders” in the world, Putin is perhaps the only one not only not mind-controlled and/or bribed or blackmailed into following the playbook of the globalist New World Order — in fact he always stands up against it, in the interests of Russian sovereignty.  (On the other hand, in the face of NATO’s recently reasserted hegemonic bluster, he did just come to some kind of agreement with Xi in China (search <Putin and X agreement> on duck duck go, lots of views on what that may mean); whether or not Xi himself is deep state or not is still up for grabs.)

In any case, I simply do not think Putin would push the button that would ignite nuclear war and poison the entire earth with radioactivity (nor will the ETs let him), though he may signal that if the fake Biden administration doesn’t back off, that would be the result. In which case, as one source put it (can’t remember which one) Lavrov would just blow smoke from his ever-present cigarette in Blinken’s face while passing a piece of paper to him saying, “sign this” — and he would.)

But back to my dream. As I said, you were in it, I was in it, all of us were in it. That’s what I think it represented. Specifically, it was one of those flying dreams that we all love to have, and scratch our heads afterwards, when we wake up, sodden and weighed down.

I was present at some kind of a group gathering, in a large, square, bare hall with a very high ceiling (like a gymnasium, but featureless.) Numerous and various-sizes of clustered people standing, sitting, moving around together and separately. At one point, without any conscious decision, my body, with no effort, lifted several feet off the floor. Surprised and curious, this time I “tried” to do it again, and yes, once again, lift-off! Huh? I decided to see if I could go higher. . . yes. . . higher and higher . . . then turning, twisting, curving through space like a dancer not chained to gravity, more like water ballet, but in air . . . 

Wow! Come down again. Can I do it again? YES! Lifted up again, with just intent, no effort. So it was NOT a dream (I think, during this dream); I really CAN lift off the floor and fly, with the entire space of this large high hall as my playing field. Wow. This time, as I curved and played sensuously and delightedly through the air, I noticed that a few people below had glanced up, were watching me. In disbelief at what their eyes were seeing? Jealous that I could do it and they couldn’t? Then I notice all the little kids, jumping gleefully and with arms high, they want me to lift them up so that they can fly too, in my arms. But though I drifted down to be with them, I decided I was not yet sure enough of this new ability to take one of them with me, in case there really was “added weight” in this apparently weightless dimension, in which case, we would fall, and hurt ourselves.

At another point two dancers moved to the middle of the room, started dancing sinuously and gracefully, just like I had been dancing in the air, but on the floor. So I lifted up again, both to harmonize with their movements, and to show them this extraordinary added feature to regular gravity-bound dancing. Now a lot more people saw me doing this; it was obvious that dancing above added a new dimension to dancing below. 

At first, when I woke up, I wondered if this dream signals my approaching death. Was that my funeral? And I was present, but not earth-bound? Could be. But until I started dancing in air I was not the focus of anyone’s attention, just another person at this unnamed event. So, though that could be one possible interpretation, it didn’t really hold my attention.

Then, on my morning walk with puppy Shadow I suddenly got it, an interpretation of the dream that resonated all the way through. This dream describes the difference in both feeling tone and mental/spiritual freedom I experience in moving from 3D to 5D. To wit: we humans, on the floor of our framed up 3D Capricorn box, think our only option is to live and move on its linear floor, weighed down by gravity. In this reality, we are constantly polarizing, “butting heads,” as our different experiences of “what is really going on down here” inform our left brains. The “territory” of 3D is so much smaller than the territory of 5D, which, in the dream, felt immense, and free. Free to be me, and free to watch the others below; except for the children, even while dancing the adults are usually just myopically looking either across to each other or down, to the floor.

And of course, once we step outside the building, our Capricorn box, we are free to fly in even larger dimensions, on and out, out to infinity! Nothing is stopping us from expanding our horizons, even while we’re here as embodied souls on Earth, in 3D. All we need is AWARENESS of 3D in order to step into 5D. An awareness that is, larger than 3D, while holding 3D as a subset, so that even when we encounter 3D “conflict,” it feels like 5D play. And how do we do that? By shifting our “center of gravity” from the indoctrinated left brain into our opened hearts.

The truckers, by continuing to operate in a heartfelt non-violent manner, knowing full well that this may be the hill they die on, are operating in 5D. Their life purpose is clear: break the chains of decades, centuries, millennia of slavery. Only two weeks after thousands upon thousands of truckers reached Ottawa, we are noticing how our Capricorn governments, still caught in 3D, are desperately, and more and more forcefully, trying to stop them, and us, from flying free. It’s not working. The amassed, cooperating truckers and supporters are awake, and their determinedly loving, playful peacefulness, when contrasted to the increasingly strident threatening stance of the government, serves to jolt awake more and more still sleeping “normies.”

Our situation now reminds me of Juan O Savin, a story he told in a current video with Nino Rodriguez, of a bottle of champagne that he once tried to close while some of the bubbling was still in it. He got the cork on, and forcefully hammered it down so that the bottle closed. But the force he used caused tiny cracks in the bottle that immediately began leaking.

We the people are the still bubbling champagne in that opened bottle, and no matter how much force is used to force the cork back in, the deep state bottle that once held us down, masked, isolated, both vaxxed and unvaxxed, is cracking, and we are fizzing out, hearts open, dancing.




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