Faced with ChatGTP . . .


The first time I heard about ChatGTP was in late December 2022. My older son Sean was about to stop in for a visit with granddaughter Kiera on their way to Colorado, when he tells me, excited: “I want you to write this down. ‘c h a t g t p.'” And then Sean, a lifelong coder who began by studying robotics in college, started talking incredulously and effusively, about the capacity of this particular chatbot.

I did write the strange word down, but didn’t pursue the tip until they arrived, two days later, and we spent the entire first evening (out of only two evenings, after four long years) making up questions for ChatGTP to “answer,” problems for ChatGTP to “solve.”

Shaking our heads, in wonder.

Yes, it’s wild, even unnerving.

And, BTW, it turns out, NOT politically neutral.




And please check out Joe Rogan’s session with Bret Weinstein, #1919.

Rogan, unnerved: “it feels like a person talking. . .”



“Where’s Clif High?” — the logical, enculturated part of me cries!

“We need him now to make sense of what’s going on with the seemingly incipient AI archontic takeover!”

So MUCH I want to “say” about this seemingly sudden development. But I can’t do it today. I just can’t do it. I need to be in a “place” where the invasive technocratic transhumanist algocracy can’t get to me.



If a chatbox, no matter how seemingly universal, in the sense of scouring up everything on the internet that is ever said in any language, its algorithms working with seemingly infinite permutations of word strings —

then the key is to move beneath language,

to the spacious presence within

(and without) 

that will eventually goad us

into re-membering other gifts

we humans carry with us always,

without recognizing that we do.

For example, telepathy.

The map is NEVER the territory.




4 thoughts on “Faced with ChatGTP . . .

  1. I feel like ChatGTP is just another dark cult trap. I think it is something entirely other than AI. It FEELS evil. Sinister. Wrong. It feels like something to now trick those whom have not capitulated, not consented, not taken the vaccine, whom have not bought into any lies thus far… it is one more attempt to bring us into Satans dark fold and evil plan for the elimination of everything HUman. Please stay away from it, Ann.

    1. Thanks for the warning, Kim! I like to play with fire, though I usually know how to protect myself. We’ll see. Meanwhile, to your point, Kerry Cassidy very recently interviewed Miles Johnson (long time UFO, ET, black goo, paranormal researcher) at great length about all sorts of things — including current conferences, people who speak at them, etc.— some of which I was trying to remember (this was during my wake-up session at 2 AM), including his reference to “openAI” which I will pursue. But my memory totally cancelled the rest of what he had to say when he remarked that ChatGTP had composed a laudatory poem for him. HE LOVED IT. (Can’t remember who he said gave the instruction to the bot.) Kerry then replied, sardonically, something like, “Oh, so you approve of it” (of ChatGTP) and cut the interview cut off exactly there. Which may tell us that Miles Johnson is susceptible to emotional manipulation.

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