People of PATTERN: Sherrón Rogers

What do your friends call you?

On first (second, third…) intros, many people say my name incorrectly – they say “Sharon”. A number of my friends think that’s funny and have taken to calling me “Sharon-Sherrón”. Others call me Sherri, Sherrón Renee, sDot, or serious… I have more nicknames than I can count. As long as you know my real name is Sherrón (and know how to pronounce it!), I’m good with just about anything starting with an S.

Don’t ask my parents though – they hate when people use anything but my full, correctly pronounced name. Maybe because I’m named after them?

How old are you (if you don’t mind me asking!)?

I turned 37 toward the end of last year. Turning 35 was traumatic. Turning 37 was awesome, so tell everyone – I decided I’m good with it.

Where are you from?

Indy born and raised!

Which neighborhood do you live in right now?

I live in the hottest urban neighborhood in our region – Cottage Homes on the Near Eastside.

What do you do for a living?

I lead large organizations through transformative change. Right now, I’m proud to call Eskenazi Health my work home.

What do you do as a creative outlet?

I used to do web and graphic design back when HTML, some Java, and Photoshop was all you needed; I was pretty gifted at it. Then, the pace of technology outpaced my desire to keep up with it. And, for a while, I wrote… everything. I was pretty good at that too. (I obviously have no problem rating myself highly lol)

Now, I find peace in mentally redesigning everything I see. I think about how everything could be improved, more beautiful, more usable, more simplistic… I like absorbing the world around me and turning it inside out in my mind.

I also enjoy the energy of being around creative and free-thinkers. Sometimes my world can be repetitive and creatives remind me of the power and freedom of art (in all forms). My children, Tannon and Dylan, are at this special place where they explore and question everything – I find freedom through exploring and questioning the world right along with them.

What’s the most interesting thing happening in Indy right now?

I really enjoy the vibrancy being created around our walkable areas. Also, the music scene is really picking up with many new artists visiting our city. I’ve also noticed a push toward even more civic engagement – especially inclusive of, and on behalf of, typically underrepresented communities. I can’t wait to see the results sprouted from this in the next 5-10 years.

Favorite local brewery, distillery or winery? (Or if not a drinker, then favorite eatery.)

I don’t like to choose favorites; I feel it’s too limiting (code for I don’t want to spill my favorite hiding spots). In general, I’m really fond of moderately quiet, darkly lit bars with bartenders who understand there’s more to great service than making a good drink.

Last trip you took?

San Francisco. What a great city.

How did you first hear about PATTERN?

I was out with a few friends and we were chatting about the untapped potential of our community and my unfed desire to be around more creatives, and my friend, Michael Kaufmann, mentioned that I should meet Polina. She and I have been bothering each other ever since.

Favorite PATTERN event and why?

I really love the magazine launch parties – great music, new venues, and so many beautiful people. I also love learning the diverse reasons others are connected to the PATTERN community.

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