Kara Leigh Miller

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Kara Leigh Miller. I’m a wife, stay-at-home mom to 4 of 5 kids, pitbull lover, and cat hoarder. No joke—I have seven cats! I’m a writer and reader, and lover of all things books. I’m also the Editorial Director for Anaiah Press. When I’m not lost in all of that, I’m working out, binge-watching Netflix, and sometimes playing golf with my husband, though I suck at it. LOL.

Why Do you write?

So the voices in my head will be quiet. I know that sounds strange to anyone who isn’t a writer, but it’s the truth. I constantly have stories and characters developing in my mind. Sometimes, they are so loud that I can’t focus on anything else. I tell their story to help silence them. And also, because I find writing cathartic—I feel better on the days I write. So, I guess you could say I write not to be cranky. (My family thanks me for that ??)

What genre do you write, and why did you pick this genre?

Throughout my career, I’ve written various genres ranging from really steamy romance to Christian fiction. Currently, though, I’ve been focusing primarily on young adult paranormal romance. I love this age group and genre because the possibilities are endless. Teens are still learning to find their way in the world, and they’re allowed to fumble and make mistakes. Still, they’re also more open to exploring new relationships, which are so free. And within the paranormal world, I can make all the rules for my supernatural beings. Talk about fun!

Tell us about your book.

Eternal Curse is the first book in The Cursed Series, which is currently seven books with a new spinoff series in the works. Readers have called this “the new Twilight for the next generation.” Here’s the official blurb:

When a rash of unsolved murders leaves two of Chloe’s classmates dead, she begins to suffer from disturbing hallucinations that build to the horrifying image of Trent as a murderous vampire. To make it worse, he’s cursed—no, Halstead will ever know true love—and he’s desperate to break the curse. Could Chloe be the key?

How much time do you dedicate to your author’s career?

As much time as I can. Typically, I devote at least 2-4 hours per day; I spent most of those writing. I devoted the rest to admin tasks such as updating my website, uploading books to vendors, And then, of course, there’s the time spent on promoting my books.

How long, on average, does it take you to write your books?

This depends on the book and other commitments. Eternal curse took me about four years to write. Still, I started it as one thing, then scrapped it and rewrote it with vampires and witches, and I’d taken a solid year and a half away from it to write and publish a few other things. Book 2 took me about two months, while book 3 took me only 19 days. So, it depends on how clear the story is in my mind, how loud the characters are speaking to me, and how much time I have to devote to writing.

What is the best money you have ever spent on your author career?

There are three things I spend money on regularly that have been a game-changer for me and my career:

(1) Professional cover art. Even though we’re told not to judge a book by its cover, we all do, so having eye-catching cover art is a must!

(2) Hiring a personal publishing assistant (PA). Having someone in my corner to cheer me on and push my books has been invaluable. She handles my social media, readers’ group, finding and scheduling various online promotional events, making teasers, etc. While she’s doing all of that, I can focus more time and attention on writing.

(3) Paid ads. Right after my first book was released, I sort of adopted a “throw it at the wall and see what sticks” philosophy. Admittedly, I spent (and wasted) much money. Lol. I quickly learned that the best bang for my buck is with specific, targeted ads via select newsletter services. So far, the best two I’ve found are eReader café and Written Word Media.

What is the most challenging part of being an author?

Marketing! Ugh. I hate promoting my books. Not only is it very time-consuming, but I also find it very draining. It requires an entirely different mindset than writing, so it’s hard to switch back and forth between the two, and you have to be successful as an Indie author.

What is the best piece of advice you have for other authors?

Write for yourself. I cannot stress this enough. Don’t write for market trends or what you think an agent/publisher/reader wants. Because if you don’t love the story you’re telling, no one else will, either. So, enjoy the writing and tell yourself a story.

What is your favorite book?

The Twilight Saga. I know! I’m well aware of the issues and arguments surrounding this series. Still, I first read this back when my life wasn’t so great. It was truly a series that brought my daughter and I closer together when our relationship was less than stellar. The simplicity of The Twilight Saga is what I love the most, and it’s what inspired me to write The Cursed Series.

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