Author Interview – Bre Rose

Bre Rose is a newer author writing in the contemporary and paranormal why choose genre primarily. We had the pleasure of having this Author interview – Bre Rose for our blog. Check out this fantastic author and follow them for more amazing stories.

Bre Rose writes under a pen name and is a newer author with five published books currently. She writes in the contemporary and paranormal why choose genres primarily but does have works that will not be. Bre is a native of North Carolina and mother to three amazing sons and two feline fur babies more affectionately known as her hellhounds.

She’s always been an avid reader, then progressed to becoming an ARC, BETA, and ALPHA reader for some of her favorite authors. After some encouragement, she decided to tackle writing the stories in her head and loves every minute of it. When she isn’t reading or writing, she enjoys traveling the world and still has some places to mark off her bucket list.

She also enjoys spending time with her family and advocating for the differently abled population. To keep up to date with all upcoming releases and all things Bre then, simply join her Facebook reader group Bre’s Rose Petal Readers.

When did you start writing?

I started writing during COVID in 2020.

What was it like growing up?

I had a good childhood, and a mother who loved me and made sure we had everything we needed. I did grow up in a poorer, rougher community.

How was your early life?

It was average, I would say. I had friends and family, and we hung out. I was involved in school programs and clubs. Now, I wouldn’t say I was the popular kid in school, but I did move between the school cliques.

What has been the biggest influence in your career?

The support from all my amazing author friends and readers. The encouragement and love they give me is amazing.

Tell us about your newest release.

My newest release is book 2 in the Beyond the Pack series and is a co-write with Cassie Lein. It is a deliciously dark paranormal why choose academy book. It’s all about our FMC finding her strength to break free from the horrible pack she was in along the way, finding out more about herself and her past as well as her mates. Now when I say dark, please read those content warnings.

Which book of yours would you call your favorite child?

My favorite book. I love them all, but I would say my first book, Finding Memphis, because it started this whole journey for me.

What inspired you to write this book?

I love MC, and why choose romance there just weren’t enough books out there that had both of them together.

What are you usually found doing when you’re not writing?

I am a huge supporter of the differently able population, so I do a lot there as far as support and education. I love to travel and enjoy any time that I get to curl up with a good book and lose myself in another author’s world.

What does your writing space look like?

I kind of bounce around. I have a desk in my living room, sometimes, I’m on a couch, and others, I am at the local coffee shop. When I’m at home, there is always something playing in the background, either the television or music, and I always have coffee in hand.

If you wrote your autobiography, what would you name it?

Work in Progress.

How long did it take to write your novel, and what was your process?

They vary, typically a couple of months, depending on the word count. I have found when It comes to the last book in a series, it takes longer, simply because I don’t want it to end having grown so attached to the characters.

Favorite reads?

I have so many. Heather Long, Lexie Winston, and Elizabeth Dear are always one click. it doesn’t matter what it is, I know I will love it. Currently, I am working on my physical TBR, making sure to read every unread book on my bookshelf

Do you have any book recommendations?

This is my all-time book recommendation. I love it so much. The MIndfucked Series

What’s your next big project?

I’m currently editing with Against All Odds, it’s releasing on 4/29/23. Then other big projects I am part of the Fairytale with a Retelling Shared World. Merciless Few MC Kentucky Chapter, High School Reunion Shared World, and A Night to Remember Auction Shared World. So a lot of big things coming.

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Do it. Take the chance you will never know what will happen. Take all criticism for what it is. and pull the feedback from the constructive ones. You will never make everyone happy, stay true to yourself and have fun.

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