Wetlands protection?


    Let’s clean out the Cross Creek area,

    Of all those business places!

    Never mind the jobs and income,

    That the wetlands interfaces.

    FEMA promises great huge sums,

    To bribe our politicians —

    Influencing what and where to build,

    And what they term conditions.

    Perhaps the roads will be removed,

    Into our shopping places —

    So that water fowls and sea gulls,

    Can fill the empty spaces.

    But best of all, I do recall,

    FEMA promises more!

    Money for our projects —

    Instead of taxes we deplore.

    We have sold the Soul of Malibu,

    For FEMA’s feast of gold —

    On the excuse of wetlands protection,

    Prostituting, as of old.

    P. F. Fogbottom