Tuesday, June 11All That Matters

How I know I’m getting old: This $18 Amazon purchase working exactly as advertised makes me unreasonably joyful

How I know I’m getting old: This $18 Amazon purchase working exactly as advertised makes me unreasonably joyful

How I know I’m getting old: This $18 Amazon purchase working exactly as advertised makes me unreasonably joyful
by u/marzme in funny

View Reddit by marzmeView Source


  • user_name_denied

    You know how you know you are older than the OP?

    You came here hoping for a link to buy this yourself.

  • the96jesterrace

    I think this is very reasonable because „things that are working exactly as advertised“ are extremely rare in general.

  • Crembels

    Its a great feeling in a way.

    When we’re younger we usually dont need to worry about this stuff, its our parents responsibility for the most part. Our world consists of schoolwork, games and the general pain of figuring out who you are and where you fit in in the world.

    This focus changes when you start being responsible for your own household. So when we see stuff like this our first thought isnt “A paper towel holder? God thats boring” its “omg, thats so convenient and useful for all the cleaning i need to do!”

  • Competitive-Wish-568

    Just like remembering growing up watch Price is Right and wondering why the hell are people excited to win a washer and dryer. Now I get it!!! Lol

  • DirtySeuss414

    How I know I’m getting old: just bought one of these off Amazon and I’m pissed they didn’t suggest the one that only gives you what you need

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