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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Home and Away Spoilers – Justin and Leah get their money back!

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The start of next week is stressful as Justin (James Stewart) confronts an intruder at Summer Bay Auto, only to discover it’s none other than John (Shane Withington).

He received a call from the security firm at the end of last week, informing him that the garage alarm had gone off. Panicked, he raced to his place of business only to discover the shutter open and noises emanating from within.

On Monday, when we return to the action, Justin quietly sneaks beneath the shutter, takes a socket set, and prepares to confront the thief. As he rushes into the office, he is taken aback to discover John inside, rummaging through files!

John’s justification is that he wanted to “test the security system,” but Justin is enraged that the ostensibly “hands-off” new owner is already testing the limits.

To make matters worse, the alarm company alerted the cops, and it’s not long before Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) arrives to make sure the property isn’t being robbed.

Justin is tempted to pursue charges against John when the new officer asks if he wants to press charges for breaking and entering. Cash cautions, “It’s a felony with a very heavy consequence,” which is music to Justin’s ears. However, John has a simple way out – “it also comes with a rather substantial rent increase,” he observes with a wry smile to his new renter.

The two longtime pals are feuding even before the new ownership is finalised. This isn’t going to end well.

It’s up to Leah to soothe her boyfriend. She reminds out that the deal is very certainly going to go through, leaving them with little alternative but to work together. “Surely it counts for something that he bought the house to assist you out?”

She persuades him to sit down and have a chat with John. Giving in, Justin recommends to John that they find a method for him to contribute to the company that is beneficial to them. John embraces the concept with his typical zeal, informing Justin that he already has a slew of garage-related ideas that he wants to run by him.

While they both shiver, Justin’s anxious expression reveals his genuine sentiments.

Only a few days later, John gets down with Justin to speak through his intentions. He offers them a comprehensive dossier of ideas, including a revised marketing strategy and suggestions for improving the company’s efficiency, giving the pair much to consider.

Only a few days later, John gets down with Justin to speak through his intentions. He offers them a comprehensive dossier of ideas, including a revised marketing strategy and suggestions for improving the company’s efficiency, giving the pair much to consider.

Surprisingly, after giving it a thorough reading, Justin discovers that some of the concepts are actually rather brilliant! He’s hesitant to follow John’s advice since he knows it means he’ll never be able to get rid of him.

However, Justin and Leah are about to get some shocking news.

Susie had been missing for months after defrauding them of their $90,000 home deposit. Although Stephen was able to retrieve the money, it has been in the hands of the police for the last few months, and the couple has given up hope of ever seeing it again.

However, Justin receives an unexpected call from their lawyer the next week. The cops are releasing their cash now that the investigation into Susie’s fraud is over – they’ve gotten their $90,000 back, and they couldn’t be happier!

While this is fantastic news, it does necessitate an unpleasant talk with John.

“Now that we’ve gotten back on our feet…” Before Justin takes over, Leah starts. “You won’t be required to purchase the garage any longer!”

While he tries to look unconcerned, it’s apparent that John is upset that they don’t want him to work for them. Will he truly take a step back?

Even if they don’t want John involved, Justin’s next action might cause a major gap between them.

Later that evening, when Justin and Leah are celebrating with Tori (Penny McNamee) and Christian (Ditch Davey), Justin begins telling them about John’s ideas and how they may help drive his company ahead. He’s particularly enthusiastic about John’s suggestion of providing a panel thumping service.

The two physicians, on the other hand, quickly reassure him that he can’t just steal John’s ideas, even if he won’t be able to utilize them! Tori jokes, “It’s called ethics, remember them?”

Is he really going to take John’s ideas and use them for his own?

That might, however, be a moot matter. The next day, they’re in for a major surprise when John informs them he’s not going to withdraw his bid after all – he’s going to go ahead and buy the house!

Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) is eventually released from the hospital next week. He’s clearly not thrilled to be back home, and while Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) and Mia (Anna Samson) worry over him, he becomes increasingly uncomfortable.

He also refuses to respond to Bella’s texts, refusing to connect with his ex-girlfriend, who is now anxious to reclaim him.

He clearly feels terrible for skipping town and causing the accident, and he blames himself for Mia’s miscarriage. His family is concerned about his mental health since he pushes everyone away.

Mia tries to console him when she discovers him crying on the balcony in the early hours of the morning. He reveals that she was only there because of him and that she has since lost her baby. “I took that from you and Ari,” says the narrator.

Will he be able to overcome his remorse and repair his ties with his family and ex-girlfriend as he sobs in her arms?

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