Why You Should Definitely Not Forget The Following 15 Words

The Infinity Economics Platform has created a wallet that is reliable, secure, anonymous, flexible and transparent. This Wallet App is a program that allows the payment and transactions within the IEP network. People can easily pay and transfer XINs by fingerprint. The data is always stored in an encrypted format. The App is usually secured by PIN, fingerprint or FaceID for security purposes.

15 very important words

After downloading the Wallet App or visiting the registration site, you will be able to create a new account in just 3 steps. You will then receive a passphrase, an account and a public key.

If you do not like any of the given phrases, you can easily generate a new one. However, it is important to keep the 15-word-passphrase safe; do not lose or forget it. The last step requires you to rewrite said passphrase for confirmation.

Not all wallets require a 15-word-passphrase. This number of words applies to the IEP wallet.

Frequent issues

Some of the most occuring issues surface from not entering the passphrase correctly. This results in an empty wallet, the creation of a new wallet, not being able to see your XIN in the wallet, or not being able to access said XIN.

To avoid this problem, you should naturally enter the passphrase correctly. Any additional or mistaken sign or even space will lead to a mistake in the system and automatically open up a new account. Your old account cannot be restored and all your funds will be lost.

Therefore, write the 15 words down and have them ready whenever they are asked of you. You will probably access the wallet from your laptop, which means it is better if you don’t keep the code on there. Have it stored somewhere else. The easiest and best way is to go the traditional way; note down your passphrase and your account ID using the good old pen and paper.

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