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Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital


Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is a special 12 Days of Christmas “The Gift of Happiness and Gratitude”


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On the sixth day of Christmas, I want you to share the gift of happiness. English poet and writer Joseph Addison wrote “the grand essentials of happiness in this life is something purposeful to do someone to love and something good to hope for.” Abraham Lincoln said folks will be just about as happy as they choose to be so choose to be happy. It is your choice.

I encourage you to choose to be happy this Christmas and then share. I say to you, you can create true happiness by being grateful. See, to speak about gratitude is wonderful and to enact it is noble, but to limit it to touch heaven. This Christmas, I encourage you to share the gift of gratitude and have real gratitude, it will lead to happiness. And then you can share it with everybody you know.




Log on to WinWithWillie.com for resources to help you win more and remember to make the most of each and every minute because your best is yet to come.

Dr. Willie Jolley’s ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ – The Gift of Happiness and Gratitude  was originally published on getuperica.com