
Last night, the 39th annual People’s Choice Awards took place. Although it’s not one of the more publicized awards show, it’s still one that matters — all the winners are picked by the fans.

This year, fans came out in record bunch; 475 million votes were placed in all categories from movies to music. Big winners included movies like The Hunger Games and Ted, and musicians like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift (who had a cute, funny Kanye-spazzing-at-the-VMAs moment with Olivia Munn.)

VIDEO: Alicia Keys “Brand New Me” 

There were also some pretty great performances as well, in particular Alicia Keys and Christina Aguilera, who both killed their individual sets. 

Alicia started her performance by doing a slowed down version of her hit record, “Girl on Fire.” That song then transitioned to a lively performance of “New Day.” 

Christina was in straight ballad-mode as she performed “Blank Page,” a track from her latest album. After her performance, Christina accepted an award for the People’s Voice Award. Pretty cool.

MUSIC: Christina Aguilera “Let There Be Love” 

Check out Alicia’s performance on top and Christina’s down below. Did you enjoy them?