The Father Says Today – May 4th, 2024

The Father says today I have released to you the gift of healing. The day will come when you walk in the same fluency in the gift of healing that others do in tongues, interpretation, and prophecy. Your giftedness in My purpose will be enlarged in the Demonstration of POWER, not just the demonstration of Spirit. You will discern and know by touch if you are dealing with a spirit of infirmity or simply a deficit in blood chemistry, or a compromised immune system. AID’s victims will be recovered by lying on your hands. I am releasing to you the virtue that the woman with the issue of blood drew out of Me and was made every whit whole. So preserve My resources on the inside of you and do not allow any contamination to come near to that gift that I activate in you this day. Allow me to guide you in the use of this gift of healing. It is not simply for physical ailments but also for emotional and spiritual healing. You will be able to restore broken relationships, mend wounded hearts, and comfort those in despair.

As you walk in this gift, remember that it is not through your own strength or ability but through the power of the Holy Spirit working in you. Stay connected to Him through prayer and meditation on My Word. Allow Him to lead and guide you in how to minister to those in need of healing. Do not be afraid to step out in faith and pray for the sick. Trust in Me to provide the needed healing, whether through miraculous instant healing or through the hands of doctors and medical professionals. My ways are higher than yours, and I can heal in ways that you may not even understand. Above all, remember that the ultimate goal of healing is to bring glory to My name. Let your actions and words point others to Me and My love for them. As you walk in this gift of healing, may it be a testament to My power and grace at work in your life.

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