My mum celebrated her birthday in prison because of Ned Nwoko – Lady cries out

A Nigerian lady has taken to her social networking site, Twitter to accuse billionaire politician, Ned Nwoko of unlawfully detaining members of her family.

According to the lady identified as Ifejoku Uzor Pamela, her mother was forced to celebrate her birthday in the prison because her father and some members of her community, have been in detention on the alleged orders of Nwoko.

She also shared a link to a story that gave a detailed explanation of the saga.

Pamela posted screenshots on May 13, with the caption;

Yesterday my mum’s birthday was celebrated in Prison because of Ned Nwoko.

If you don’t know by now, please be patient, read to the end Folded hands The unlawfully actions of Ned Nwoko.”

Read the post below:

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