Monday, June 10, 2024
HomeNews#EndSARS: Biden Urges U.S to Stand With Nigeria

#EndSARS: Biden Urges U.S to Stand With Nigeria

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Former U.S Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, says the U.S must stand with Nigerians “who are peacefully demonstrating for police reform and seeking an end to corruption in their democracy”.
“My heart goes out to all those who have lost a loved one in the violence,” Biden said in a statement made available on his official campaign website.
The statement came shortly after security agents allegedly opened fire on protesters on Tuesday night, in Lagos.
Biden encouraged the Nigerian government to engage in a good-faith dialogue with civil society.
This, according to him, is to address the “long-standing grievances and work together for a more just and inclusive Nigeria”.
“I urge President Buhari and the Nigerian military to cease the violent crackdown on protesters in Nigeria, which has already resulted in several deaths”.
Nigerian youths, in spite of the disbandment of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), protests against their brutality have continued in cities across the country.
The actual number of casualties and deaths from the incident on Tuesday night, in Lagos, is still unknown.

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