Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.05 Complete Patch Notes, Download Size, and More

By theprofanedotaku 2 Min Read

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut has made its official release on the 20th of August on Dony’s PS4 and PS5 consoles. With the addition of new content, we are bound to have a few minor bugs and issues that eventually get fixed over a small period of time. The same can be seen with Ghost of Tsushima’s Director’s Cut. A new update, versioned 2.05, was rolled out a few hours ago and from what it seems like, not many players were aware of it.

In the wake of getting an unplanned update, Ghost of Tsushima players are eager to know what issues have been addressed and what not. Keeping that in mind, we are going to share details on the Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.05.

Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.05 Complete Patch Notes

As we mentioned earlier, the Ghost of Tsushima 2.05 update was unplanned and rolled out without prior notice. However, after the update was live, the official Twitter handle did come forward to discuss the contents of update 2.05.

Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.05 fixes the annoying crash that a few of the players were facing with the Director’s Cut edition. Furthermore, the team at Sucker Punch Production is currently investigating further issues and bugs that the game currently has. A possible fix is expected to go live in the coming weeks.

Ghost of Tsushima Update 2.05 Download Size

Ghost of Tsushima update 2.05’s size is around 100 MB. It is a relatively small update that only addresses the crash-related issue a few of the players were facing during gameplay sessions.

We will update this article if there is any development regarding update 2.05.

Ghost of Tsushima is an action roleplaying game currently available on PS4 and PS5 platforms.

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