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Master Books: A Christian Homeschool Curriculum

Check out our favorite Christian homeschool curriculum: Master Books!

A few years ago, we stumbled upon a Charlotte Mason homeschool co-op. Although I’d always considered ourselves “mostly unschoolers,” I instantly fell in love with the ideas that make up a Charlotte Mason education.

After our friends coaxed us to give the co-op a try, it clicked. THIS was what homeschooling was supposed to feel like. THIS was what I wanted for my kids. THIS was exactly what was missing from our current homeschool.

So I set out to transition from “mostly unschooling” into a Charlotte Mason approach. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this would be MUCH easier, with a little help.

I knew I didn’t want a rigorous curriculum. After all, that’s not what Charlotte Mason was about, at all. I needed more of a guide, something to nudge me along in the right direction.

When I discovered Master Books, I’d found the best of both worlds.

With plenty of Charlotte Mason aspects, there was still hands-on learning and our days were centered around the children.

This post is sponsored by Master Books.
I received the product for free and was compensated for my time.
All opinions are my own.

5 Reasons We Love Master Books

Charlotte Mason Approach:

As I’ve already said, we fell in love with the Charlotte Mason approach. While our Charlotte Mason co-op includes things like tea time and nature studies, I love the simplicity of using a Master Books because it’s MORE than Charlotte Mason.

It truly makes learning an enjoyable experience.

Kids don’t feel rushed or overwhelmed. They love the living books and the slow pace that our days have taken on.

Christian Homeschool Curriculum:

So many homeschool curriculum allow students to skip over the religious aspect of their books but Master Books seamlessly weaves Christianity into each lesson.

Kids learn facts from a Christian viewpoint. They write scripture to practice handwriting. They read books, full of fun facts, yet centered around Christ.

When your child is learning directly from scripture, you don’t need to worry about whether the books are age-appropriate or not.

Master Books offers great books for all ages!

Kids Can Work Independently:

One of the most important things for me, when searching for our homeschool curriculum, is how much effort is required of me.

The truth is, while I’d love to sit down and pour over high-quality books each day, I simply don’t have time.

Dishes need done. Errands need ran. Socks need matched. Snotty noses need wiped. Lawns need mowed. Casseroles need baked. Toilets need scrubbed. Kids need chauffeured. Memories need made.

Master Books allows kids to learn on their own, without a ton of prep work from me.

Includes Hands-On Learning:

While Charlotte Mason loves living books, Master Books knows that kids need more. They offer some super fun, yet simple hands-on learning opportunities.

Right now, my kids are loving the Bible Brainstorms book that is full of puzzles, challenges and games. And, best of all, they teach Scripture, Bible lessons and promote family bonding.

Master Books offers great books for all ages!

Short Lessons:

Master Books has mastered short lessons! Each lesson is so valuable, yet doesn’t drag on for hours on end. Instead, kids can learn what they need, without all the fluff.

Bear is such a busy boy that long lessons will never work for him. Thankfully, Master Books hands-on learning, paired with the gentle ways of Charlotte Mason make learning easier for him.

If you’re looking for a new curriculum to try out, you can’t miss Master Books.

From ready-to-go Morning Baskets to core curriculum, like math and language arts, they’ve got it all!

Looking to simplify your homeschool?
Don’t miss Master Book’s Academy.

Master Books Curriculum We’ve Loved:

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