السبت, يونيو 1, 2024
الرئيسيةفرص عمل ووظائف شاغرة في لبنان والشرق الأوسطمطلوب موظف ميداني للطوارئ - Emergency Field Officer (Cholera Response)

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مطلوب موظف ميداني للطوارئ – Emergency Field Officer (Cholera Response)

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مطلوب موظف ميداني للطوارئ – Emergency Field Officer (Cholera Response) لمنظمة Action Against Hunger

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

نطاق الراتب: بين 1200 و 1500 (دولار أمريكي)

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الأربعاء, 30 نوفمبر 2022

 المنطقة: صور الجنوب
Eligible candidates are invited to apply the earliest possible as we are screening applications on a rolling basis.

Only the applications received through our website will be taken into consideration.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,
  • mobilization committees,
  • isolation centers,
  • municipalities and service providers.
  • Conducting training for health personnel.
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks.

The Emergency Field Officer (Cholera Response) will be responsible for:

Under the supervision of WaSH Emergency Supervisor, the WaSH Field Officer is responsible for the daily technical implementation, supervision, monitoring and reporting of the field activities, and for ensuring proper coordination with beneficiaries, municipalities, rapid response teams, other authorities and related AAH departments. The position requires extensive field work and movement between several worksites. The Cholera Emergency Field Officers will be responsible for empowering and training of Community Mobilizers and Focal Points increasing their knowledge in the field of Cholera response, mainly RCCE. Participate in site disinfection for the suspected/confirmed ITs and CSs. Preparation and development of PHP sessions, ensuring the proper implementation of the Community Engagement under the risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) component and specific campaigns.

Objective 1: Train, Follow-up and Monitor Community Mobilizer and Focal Points (25%)

  • Empower community mobilizers and focal points by training them on Cholera topics, site disinfection, and referral mechanism.
  • Follow up with the community mobilizers and focal points to identify the needs of the community.
  • Monitor different sessions/site disinfection conducted by the community mobilizers and focal points making sure all messages are being delivered correctly to the community.

Objective 2: Work with different community volunteers (25 %)

  • Identify and select community volunteers to be trained on different Cholera topics.
  • Train the community volunteers on different cholera topics, distribution of kits, and site disinfection process.
  • Follow up and monitor the sessions and distribution implemented by of the community volunteers.
  • Ensure the work is properly done and the material use wisely.

Objective 3: Site disinfection and Hygiene Promotion (25 %)

  • Conduct WASH assessment in ITs, collective shelters, and urban settings to identify needs.
  • Participate in developing awareness messages based on identified needs.
  • Distribute different kinds of hygiene kits.
  • Responsible for the site disinfection for suspected or confirmed cholera cases.
  • Implement any WASH activities related to the prevention/reduce the spread of cholera.
  • Daily preparation of disinfectant solutions for site disinfection.

Objective 4: Reporting (10 %)

  • Report the progress of the work to the line manager.
  • Report possible problem or conflict during the activities.
  • Report the use of materials and possible improvement.
  • Data collection regarding the project and the potentials beneficiaries.
  • Regular reporting to ER Supervisor
  • Data entry of collected information over INA, RDMS, or activity info.

Objective 5: Other water and sanitation activities (5 %)

  • Conduct household assessment.
  • Distribution of water and sanitation items.
  • Support other WASH related activities.

Objective 6:  Conduct referrals based (5%)

  • Observe and collect information during activities sessions on the beneficiaries’ needs and vulnerabilities, keeping protection-related needs in mind
  • Support team in conducting daily and weekly referrals to ACF staff as expressed by beneficiary or assessed during distribution or reported by community mobilizers and support on needs related to nutrition-vulnerability, including WASH, food security, general health, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, etc.

Objective 7: Security

  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan

Objective 8: Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Promote gender equality within the humanitarian and/or development work

Training/ Education:

Bachelor of public health, education, social sciences, or related fields.

Technical specific knowledge:

Strong communication skills, used to speak in public and work dynamically with adults and children. Cholera vectors of transmission, preventive measures. Experience public health and water analysis or testing is an asset.

Previous experience:

Experience in hygiene promotion, work with local communities, children and vulnerable people, experience in community mobilization and participation.

Humanitarian sector knowledge:

Experience in the humanitarian sector is a plus


Fluent Arabic, good English level

IT and specific systems:

Computer skills (Microsoft Office), compulsory expertise in Excel

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).

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