Can These 3 Things Be Said of You? (Ezra 6-10)

Ezra is a man in the Bible we don’t hear much about. I feel like he is often overshadowed by his counterpart Nehemiah.

Nehemiah was an amazing man of God but SO was Ezra!

Join me on today’s video as we take a closer look at the life of Ezra and 3 of his character qualities that were admirable.

Can these 3 things be said of you?

{If you are reading this in an email or feed – click here to view the video}

Did you watch the video? In what ways are you like Ezra?

God’s plan is to spread his word in every generation.Β 

We need to teach people, that teach people, that teach people — so that everyone everywhere can know the gospel! For it is the power unto salvation! (Romans 1:16)

Not everyone is meant to stand on a stage or to make Youtubes but we ARE responsible to share whatever we know about God with others in our lives.

Jesus said in Luke 11:28:

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Friends, may we be like Ezra, as we live out the word of God in our lives this week.

Keep walking with the King,


We begin the book of Nehemiah
Monday, January 29th!

It’s not too late to join us!
The JournalΒ 
is still availableΒ on Amazon!

The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah Journal

If you’d like to purchase a printable-digital copy
(so you have it right away) at half the price
click HERE.

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