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North Huron Crippled By Inefficient Recreation Department – Why Has Council Not Acted Yet?

As many of you are aware, our tax rate in Wingham is one of the
highest in the province.  We have looked at approximately 50
municipalities, and we can’t find a single place with a higher tax
rate.  Upon reviewing the MPMP reports for area municipalities,
it becomes clear that our inefficient Recreation Department is the
major contributor to our ridiculously high tax rate.  This is a
fact our Council is aware of, unless they have not taken the few
minutes to read the Municipal Performance Measurements Program
(MPMP) results which are available on the North Huron site.

North Huron residents are forced to pay 2 to 3 times more for
Recreation programs and Recreation Facilities” than virtually
everywhere else.  This amounts to over $850

Redaction Service

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