The five players with the deepest champion pools in the major LoL regions – InvenGlobal


There has been plenty of discussion about the stagnancy in the current League of Legends esports meta, but some professional players are still maintaining a diverse champion pool, albeit with varying levels of success. Let’s take a look at the five highest unique champion pick rates in the major regions of LoL esports.
Gabriël «Bwipo» Rau has made it his trademark to be a stylish, colorful individual on and off the rift, and throughout a strong start to the 2022 season for Team Liquid, he has had no trouble re-adapting to top lane after a stint in the jungle for Fnatic in the back half of last season. Bwipo is the wild card on an otherwise methodical Team Liquid squad, and he’s fulfilled that role brilliantly on 15 different champions in 23 games throughout the LCS Lock In and the LCS Spring Split.
Bwipo was an integral part of Team Liquid winning the 2022 LCS Lock In, especially without star support Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in in the lineup. The top laner played eight unique champions throughout 12 games of the LCS Lock In, and since then, has played seven more through 11 games.
Dino «LIMIT» Tot was one of the few bright spots on a Team BDS that finished in 9th place with a record of 4-14 to cap off their first foray into the LEC. The team’s younger players struggled to keep up with their respective competition, particularly in the case of last summer’s Rookie of the Split Adam “Adam” Manaane, who had a sophomore slump in the top lane this spring.
A support’s ability to impact the game on a losing team can vary, but LIMIT was far and away the most consistent member of Team BDS. Even more impressive, the veteran support maintained that form across 12 different champions in 18 games.
The only champions LIMIT played more than once in the 2022 LEC Spring Split were Karma, Nautilus, and Leona. Nautilus was the pick LIMIT was on for half of BDS’ wins this spring, and Karma was responsible for another, but he went winless on his most-played champion, Leona (0-4).
After a career in the top lane, Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami is acclimating to a new role in 2022, but that hasn’t stopped him from being as versatile as he was as a top laner, if not moreso. Through 21 games in the 2022 LCS season, Fudge has played 14 different champions in 21 games. It hasn’t just been experimentation for experimentation’s sake, either: Cloud9 are currently tied for 1st place in the 2022 LCS Spring Split with a record of 9-2.
Fudge’s season can almost be split into three parts when looking at his champion selection. In the LCS Lock In, which featured a hybrid squad of C9 and C9 Academy and coached by Max Waldo, Fudge played eight champions in 10 games.
In the first four games in the LCS Spring Split, Fudge played a different champion every game.
Following LS’ release and Max Waldo’s promotion to head coach, Fudge has settled into a more conventional style once again as opposed to the ‘Church9’ picks popularized by LS, but still added two more unique champions to his pool in the past three weeks.
Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon’s champion pool comes with the asterisk of a small sample size since TSM’s entire starting roster missed the 2022 LCS Lock In, but the veteran top laner has been doing his damndest to find ways to help TSM succeed. Huni has played his traditional carry-style champions, but also tried his hand more than once at the infamous Smite top enchanter picks that appeared in earlier portions of the LCS Spring Split.
Unfortunately for TSM, not much Huni has tried has resulted in success. The squad has only two wins in eleven games, and the first one was essentially a throw by Immortals that resulted in a TSM win after being behind for the entire game, which featured Huni on Lulu top with Smite.

TSM’s best performance was against Golden Guardians in its most recent match, which, while far from clean, featured the best form the team has shown on stage all season punctuated by Huni’s strong carry performance on Graves.
Raphaël «Targamas» Crabbé hasn’t played in the LEC since the 2018 EU LCS Spring Split, but after signing with G2 Esports for the 2022 season, he’s been a big part of the organization’s success early on in the season after G2 missed the World Championship for the first time last fall.
G2’s 4th place, 11-7 finish in the 2022 LEC Spring Split leaves some to be desired compared to domestic results by previous iterations of the samurai squad, but Targamas has been incredibly consistent despite boasting globally unparalleled flexibility.
In his first 14 games of the 2022 LEC Spring Split, Targamas played a different champion every time. However, after losing the last three games of that streak, Targamas picked Tahm Kench for a second and third time to stabilize the squad for a pair of wins before returning to new picks on Karma and Alistar for the last two games of the Spring Split.
Tahm Kench was the only champion Targamas played more than once, and won all three games he played when locking in the River King for G2 Esports.
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Let’s take a look at the five highest unique champion pick rates in the major regions of LoL esports.
Fiction is a top player and top coach in Melee, and he's offering some interesting insights to Inven about gameplay and tourney formats.
