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How Top Beauty Execs Stay Grounded

Because life gets stressful, we asked some beauty leaders how they cultivate joy on a daily basis.

I cultivate joy on a daily basis by expressing gratitude and reflecting on my “why.” When I take time to think about what and who I’m grateful for, I’m reminded that joy is all around me. And when I reflect on why I get up and try my best each day, I approach the day with optimism and positivity which attracts even more joy into my life. — Nathalie Gerschtein, president, L’Oréal USA Consumer Products Division

My word of the day, every day, is “gratitude.” I appreciate the little things and like to see the world through rose-colored glasses.  I believe positive thinking attracts positive energy back. Contributing to the happiness of those around me by giving a smile, an unexpected small treat or a kind message brings me joy. — Annie Young-Scrivner, chief executive officer, Wella Company

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I think joy starts with gratitude. Every morning when I wake up before I leave my bed, I think about three things that I’m grateful for to serve as a benchmark for the day. It truly helps to ground you and gives you perspective on life — joy is usually the end result. Secondly, just doing the things that I love, whether that’s singing in the shower or listening to my favorite podcast on repeat, leaning into people, places and things that bring me joy on a daily basis are key — and it’s important to be thoughtful and intentional about seeking these things out. — Danessa Myricks, founder and chief executive officer, Danessa Myricks Beauty

I believe there is a difference between happiness, gratitude and joy. I see happiness and gratitude as consistent threads, and joy as bursts. And if you’re lucky enough to be aware, you will feel them. Generally, I feel good, happy, and fortunate — that is my stasis. As I’ve gotten older, I am more aware of how my thoughts and activities affect my sense of being.

I cultivate a state of well-being and awareness every day through my thoughts and actions — starting the day, every day, saying “thank you.” I spend quiet time with my dogs, loving them, having them lay next to me while I do a short morning meditation. I turn music on to match my state of mind, which can be calming, nurturing, motivating, and I keep it on throughout the day. I connect with both of my kids to tell them I love them and usually have a laugh. I breathe in the fragrant smells of my home, which is my curated sanctuary. Connecting with people through the day and talking with those I love brings me energy. Saying “thank you” and meaning it makes me feel happy. Knowing something I’ve contributed to is helpful to someone else brings me relief. Being aware and awake to all of this allows me the oasis of joy, when it is there. —Cathy O’Brien, chief executive officer, Naturopathica

As soon as I wake up, my husband makes me coffee and we sit together on a couch to read a book for 20 minutes or so with some wave-crashing ocean sound in the background. This transports us to a beach, flipping pages under the sun! — Liah Yoo, chief executive officer and founder, Krave Beauty

As I continue to learn and grow, I have found that nurturing a sense of joy is an ongoing voyage in both my personal and professional life. I make it a regular practice to embrace gratitude, acknowledging the activities that hold the most significance to me. Being someone who naturally leans toward optimism, fostering robust relationships that uplift and provide support remains an important element as I look to continue to evolve. —Noah Rosenblatt, president, North America, Space NK

Every day, I prioritize having a balanced routine with an early start. Waking up early gives me peace, setting the tone for the day ahead. I start with an invigorating workout (I love CrossFit!). I also take time to appreciate the smallest blessings. And at the end of the day’s hustle, connecting with my family — their love and support create a profound sense of belonging and happiness. By embracing these practices — early morning, working out, gratitude, and family connections — I create a daily foundation of joy that enriches my life and hopefully radiates positivity to those around me. — Liza Rapay, head of marketing, Cosmoprof North America

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