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StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

This month gets off to an especially exciting start for our cosmic archers, and your Sagittarius horoscope for June 2023 invites you to balance all the action with your relationships, personal goals and spirituality. You can handle it.

We kick things off with a super special alignment involving lucky Jupiter—your planetary ruler—and the North Node of Destiny. This brings an expansive moment of clarity in regards to your day-to-day work and how you can use little habits to get more aligned with your life’s purpose. And getting in touch with your greater goals now is good, as the annual full moon in Sagittarius rises on June 3, pouring lunar magic all over your intentions. Relationships are a big theme for you during Gemini season, but this lunation asks you to turn the cosmic mirror toward yourself and focus on what you need to release in order to fully level up. Remember, your identity is ever-evolving!

Once amorous planet Venus hits your adventurous ninth house on June 5, you’ll probably feel inspired to take some risks in love and experiment with new things. This will be an exciting summer in the romance department! Communication takes the forefront in relationships mid-month, as Mercury enters Gemini on June 11. This is a great time to initiate important conversations with a partner and share your thoughts on what you want. The new moon in Gemini on June 17 (PT)/June 18 (ET) also hits your commitment-oriented seventh house, so set an intention related to relationships. This lunation brings an opportunity to turn over a new leaf with a current lover or take the next step with someone you’ve been seeing.

StyleCaster | How the Full Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

The summer solstice takes place on June 21, and it’s also the first day of Cancer season. Watery Cancer is sensitive and emotional, so this time of year tends to be more introspective for you, Sagittarius. But it can be exciting to explore the fabric of your inner world more deeply, so push yourself to be more vulnerable—with yourself and your partners. Once Mercury joins the sun in your intimate eighth house on June 26, you’ll feel inspired to have more heart-to-heart conversations about boundaries, sex and desires.You don’t have to travel the world with your lover in order to experience exciting new things. Sometimes the thrill is within.

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