Sunday, August 14,2022

Authorities of The Polytechnic, Ibadan (TPI), have asked both returning and new students of the institution to resume tomorrow (Monday)

The institution noted that this is necessary due to the commencement of the 2022/2023 academic session which begins tomorrow.

The institution made this disclosure via a statement signed by its Registrar, Modupe Fawole.

Fawole, in the statement made available to us on Sunday, advised both the returning and new students to resume tomorrow without wasting more time.

The Registrar while speaking further, noted that the need for the students to resume became necessary due to the commencement of the academic session which starts the same day

She added that two-week registration for all students will commence on the same day and end on Monday, 29th August 2022.

Fawole, however, added that a one-week late registration with penalty will commence on Tuesday, 30th August and end on Monday, 5th September 2022.

She said, “The 2022/2023 academic session of the institution will commence on Monday, 15th August with the resumption of fresh and returning students.

“A two-week registration for all students will commence on the same day and end on Monday, 29th August 2022.

“While a one-week late registration with penalty will commence on Tuesday, 30th August and end on Monday, 5th September 2022

We reports that the institution is one of the tertiary institutions owned by the Oyo State government

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