The Messy Bun Mafia

Hair. Coffee. Moments.

There is a Resting Place for the Dove.

She was sent out. It was not time.
She was sent out. The world was not ready for her. 
She was sent out. There was no place for her to rest. 

She returned for rest. 
She returned to ready herself. 
She returned to wait for the right time. 

She Came Back. For Rest. 

Arms were open and waiting for her. 
She was watched for. 
Her return was anticipated. 
She was given refuge. 
She was given a safe place to land. 

She had an Ark.
She had a Refuge. 
She had a Arms Open Wide. 

She came back. For rest. And there was a place to land. 
She came back to place of refuge.

I sat down for just a few minutes last night to play a little catch up on some journaling that I was behind on. When I say journaling, I mean that I am simply copying scripture. I really just expected to get a page or two done. But God.

But God. It had never really struck me. The SHE of the Dove in Genesis. The Dove. An important, but ‘supporting character’ in the story of Noah and the Ark. In this moment, she is to me so representative of a woman going out into the world, and braving the unknown. Whatever is out there waiting. And, God bless us all, if we were ever uncertain of our futures as women, is it not now?

Noah, to me, does not represent a man at this moment. He represents the wide open and outstretched arms of God. Always sending us out, always there waiting with a safe place, the Ark, to land. A refuge. A comfort. Always there, always watching, always ready.

Dear friend, whether you are a man or a woman, I hope that you know that you have a refuge. That you have the arms of God outstretched and waiting for you. No matter where you have been on your journey. No matter where he sent you. No matter where you may have strayed. No matter what you did or did not accomplish. No matter what you did or did not find. His arms are open wide, and he is there waiting to take you with Him and give the comfort and care that you need.

All you need do is fly your precious wings back to the Ark. Or maybe to the Ark for the first time.
This is one of the very few full albums I’ve purchased in recent years, and enjoy it immensely and often. The single and album are both available on Amazon Music.
Come home. He’s calling. And it’s a safe place for you to rest. If you have questions or want to chat, I’m here.

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