Metro Plus

Five killed on Lagos-Ibadan auto crash

Five persons have been reported dead and eight others sustained various degree of injuries in a fatal crash involving two vehicles Mazda bus with registration number EKY582 and Mercedes Benz Truck with no registration number on it.

Penpushing reports that the Chief Route Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Ogun State Command Florence Okpe confirmed this in a statement on Monday explaining that the crash occurred at Fidiwo axis of Lagos-Ibadan expressway

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The statement added that a total of 15 persons were involved which include eight male adult and seven female adult, stressing that those killed were four male adults and one female adult, disclosing that the suspected causes of the fatal crash were Tyre bust, speed which led to lose of control on the part of the truck and crash with the bus while on motion.

Penpushing further reports that Okpe said the Sector Commander Anthony Uga was pained by the unfortunate incident that claimed lives of the victims, and equally advised motorists to pay more attention on tyres and avoid the use of worn- out / expired Tyres.

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