
Cross carpeting to all progressives congress is not freedom from corruption charges, buhari tells decampees

President Muhammadu Buhari has declared that, cros-carpeting to the ruling All Progressives Congress(APC) by some politicians accused of corruption was not freedom for them to go scot free.

Penpushing reports that, Buhari was quoted to have made this known in an interview on the Nigeria Television Authority(NTA) on Thursday, emphasising that  no person accused of corruption can go scot-free even if they join his party.

Lush Arena

The President further declared that, joining  All Progressives Congress(APC) does not absolve anyone accused of corruption from the crime, and he stressed on this, just as informations has it that, many politicians who abandoned their party to team up with Buhari’s party did that, to escape justice.

Penpushing further reports that,Nigerians identified some politicians accused of coruption who dumped their party to pitch tent with the ruling All Progressives Congress(APC) as  include the controversial former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode as well as Senator  Stella Oduah among others.

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