
Guru Maharaj raises alarm over alleged landgrabbers invasion of his church landed property

Segun Showunmi in Ibadan

The founder of One Love Family, Satguru Maharaji ji  has raised alarm over alleged  invasion of  part of the land located at Maharaj ji village, along Lagos/Ibadan express by suspected land grabbers.

Penpushing reports that Maharaj, while briefing journalists about the incident on Tuesday in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital explained that “We have gotten a favorable judgment twice on the land, and we were about to start doing something on the land before some hoodlums invaded the land.

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The frankly speaking Maharaj, said in the course of the alleged invasion, about four persons were seriously injured by the suspected grabbers, identifying some of them as include; Suara Atere of Odo-Ona Kekere, Ibadan, together with one Amoo Olagoke who were said to be aided by the police beats and injured some of hi followers

Penpushing further reports that Maharaj alleged that the part of the land are being used for farming activities, stressing, “we have gotten a favorable judgment twice on the land, and we were about to start doing something on the land before some hoodlums invaded the land’.

“We wrote to the police for the enforcement of the judgement and we also petitioned Assistant Inspector General of Police office in Osogbo, despite all this, they bribed their way because for a police to have leads them here and gives them protection, definitely, something is wrong somewhere’, he said.

“My followers were beaten and injures while trying to stop the hoodlums, they are even threatening the life of my lawyer. I called the press in order to appealed to President Buhari whose motto is to stop anti-corruption, and also the Governor of Oyo State, the Alaafin, and Olubadan to as a matter of urgency intervened in this matter before it get out of hands and generate to something else’, Maharahji cried out.

“We are calling on the authority in charge to come to our aids and enforced the court judgement, we cannot keep quiet, we did not trespass anybody’s land, we are calling on the federal government, the state government, the IGP, the CP, to intervene and make sure they drive those people away’.

“We cannot accept injustice, and we don’t want to fight them because we believe in rule of law, and we are law abiding citizen. I don’t want to fight them because we should gives what belongs to Caesar to Caesar, which is what we have done now just to make sure that my mission on earth is accomplished, that is why am holistic in whatever am doing’, he added.

Penpushing also reports that Maharaji Ji however said that he is ready to stand as a leading vanguard and make sure that all the hoodlums and land grabbers were arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

The Police Public Relations Office of the Oyo State Command,  Gbenga Fadeyi  when contatcted said that he was not aware of any petition claimed to have been written by Guru Maharaj Ji, adding that petition used to comes to the table of theCcommissioner of Police, saying that if there is any petition on the issue, the complainant should followed it up.


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