Wi-fi hotspots

Someone made a comment a couple of months ago about how there aren’t very many wi-fi hotspots on Route 66. Evidently this person wasn’t looking very hard for a connection, as we took the iPod out tonight and got online in 25 different spots between Catoosa and Sapulpa:

Reasor’s parking lot in Catoosa
East end of Catoosa on Pine Street
Catoosa McDonald’s parking lot (pay connection)
Cherokee Casino parking lot
Mazzio’s parking lot in Catoosa
Tiner’s Tractors parking lot in Catoosa
Car Craft 66 parking lot in east Tulsa
Parking lot of an east Tulsa strip mall at 123rd East Avenue and 11th Street
Parking lot near the Executive Inn in east Tulsa
Brookshire Motel parking lot
Oasis Motel parking lot
Doctors Family Clinic parking lot (8523 E. 11th)
Dealer Funding Inc. parking lot (6733 E. 11th)
Western Inn parking lot
Desert Hills Motel parking lot
Best Choice Motors parking lot (wi-fi connection was called “Common Grounds”)
Taco Bell parking lot
Mazzio’s parking lot on 11th Street
McDonald’s parking lot at 11th and 23rd (pay connection)
Western Capri Motel parking lot
Interstate Inn parking lot
Gateway Motor Hotel parking lot
Random spot in a rural area between Oakhurst and Bowden
Sapulpa Library

Downtown Sapulpa is supposed to be a hotspot, but we couldn’t actually get online tonight. It was one of several places where we got a strong signal, but no data was coming through. Not sure what that was about, but there were probably 50 spots like that along the way. Still, 25 spots in that short distance should be plenty sufficient to keep even a hard-core Internet junkie happy.

On a completely unrelated note, most of my tomato seedlings are up. Hooray!


3 thoughts on “Wi-fi hotspots”

  1. If you leave a wireless transmitter turned on and turn off the modem, you’ll get a strong signal but no data. I do that to myself all the time. 😦

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