
#448 My daily gardening routine and sweetcorn growing

Join Richard in this weeks Veg grower podcast. This week Richard is sharing his daily gardening routine ands how he grows sweetcorn and the latest from the plots.

This week on the plots

This week Richard has been busy on the plots, moving the vegepod into a new location and upcycling an old cold frame to make it useful. On the allotment Strimming has been a big job as well as a new compost experiment.

Daily gardening routine

This week Richard shares his daily routine to share how he finds the time to grow his own food with a garden, allotment, working full time and family all needing time commitments. Here's a clue it involves gardening at both ends of the day.

How to grow sweetcorn

Richard shares how he grows sweetcorn this week, Sweetcorn is a delicious and easy crop to grow, a must in any veg agrden.

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