How to Install an Oasis Auto Seat Cover

The Oasis Auto Seat Cover is an excellent cover for any car. The cover has been designed to resist stains and spills. However, the Oasis covers are not water proof. In order for the cover to serve you properly you will have to make sure that it is waterproof before you install it on your car. This article describes how to make that happen.

oasis auto seat cover installation

To start you will need to take apart the cover. In order to do this you will need a tape measure, pencil and/or marker. Once you have all of your measurements, you will need to place all of your measurements in a scrapbook so that you can look at them later. In the scrapbook you will also want to have the names of the screws and hooks that you used as well as their locations.

Once you have all of your measurements, you will want to remove the paper from the oasis. When you remove the paper from the oasis, it will be easier for you to see all of the paper underneath. Once you have the paper out you will want to roll it back up into a ball and flatten it into a disc. If you do not have a flat surface to use, you may need to use two smaller discs. If you do not have a dry, hard surface to use you may need to use two small pieces of wax paper between the oasis and your car.

Once you have the oasis covered with wax paper and a dry surface, you will be ready to install the oasis. If you are installing the oasis on your own it is important that you keep the oasis about six inches from the edge of your car’s roof where you will put it. You will want to trim the oasis so that you leave about half inches around the edge of the roof. Once you trim the oasis you will want to lay a piece of newspaper under the oasis to catch any leaks.

The final step of installing your oasis cover is to attach the oasis onto your car. To do this you will need to use some spray paint that adheres well to metal. Once you have sprayed the paint on your oasis, you will need to take some screws that have been supplied with the cover and put them into the oasis’ holes. Once you have done so you should put a piece of tape under the screws to keep the oasis in place.

The last step in the installation process is to attach the oasis’ buckles. To do this you will need to take some sewing supplies and some thread. With the seat covers installed you will want to start sewing the seat covers onto the oasis. The entire process should only take about an hour. As you can see, an oasis auto seat cover installation is fairly simple. Once you have finished the installation process you will be able to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with your vehicle’s upholstery.