A profile and tool for modelling safety information with design information in SysML


Authors: Geoffrey Biggs, Takeshi Sakamoto, Tetsuo Kotoku

Tags: 2016, conceptual modeling

Communication both between development teams and between individual developers is a common source of safety-related faults in safety-critical system design. Communication between experts in different fields can be particularly challenging due to gaps in assumed knowledge, vocabulary and understanding. Faults caused by communication failures must be removed once found, which can be expensive if they are found late in the development process. Aiding communication earlier in development can reduce faults and costs. Modelling languages for design have been shown through practical experience to improve communication through better information presentation and increased information consistency. In this paper, we describe a SysML profile designed for modelling the safety-related concerns of a system. The profile models common safety concepts from safety standards and safety analysis techniques integrated with system design information. We demonstrate that the profile is capable of modelling the concepts through examples. We also show the use of supporting tools to aid the application of the profile through analysis of the model and generation of reports presenting safety information in formats appropriate to the target reader. Through increased traceability and integration, the profile allows for greater consistency between safety information and system design information and can aid in communicating that information to stakeholders.

Read the full paper here: http://www.sosym.org/