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[Solved][WordPress] No Matching Template Found Error

Today I published an article on my WordPress website, but the website report the error message "No matching template error" to me.

Not only the homepage but also every page in the website is on the same situation, there is no any page is normal on my website.

How to solve the problem

I searched on the Internet but cannot get corresponding information, I think maybe the keywords I query are not proper.

I went to the backend console and found that the traffic was only 550+ at 11:30 in the morning, which was about 100+ less than usual, so I guess the problem might not take more than an hour. (My website traffic is calculated from 08:00)

I confirmed that the articles and pictures still store in the database, and database is well connected with WordPress.

Finally I found a weird point: My WordPress has one more theme that I haven't seen before.

This is just a diagram

When I opened it, my website was not using the Neve I was accustomed, but the twint... template that I didn't know where it came from.

I change the website theme from twint... to Neve, my website returned to normal, and the template that I didn't know where it can from disappeared.

It’s a very strange situation. I will record it here. If someone encounters the same situation as me, you can check the theme settings.


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3 thoughts on “[Solved][WordPress] No Matching Template Found Error”

  1. Yes sometimes it would happen to be due to the theme having not been activated maybe because the theme was renamed within its theme and directory. And because of that, it would have not been recognised by WordPress as an active theme.

    So the solution would be to visit the Appearance › Theme and you can find the particular theme that you wanted or at least expected to have activated and activate it there.

    Kind regards,
    Michael Sumner

    1. Thanks for your response! It’s nice to know that there are other reasons why this might happen.

      Hope we won’t have this problem again in the future.

  2. In my case (WP core upgrade that did not quite “take”), I needed to manually re-make the “themes” folder/directory, then reinstall my theme to replace theme files.

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