EFCC nabs 6 suspected internet fraudsters in Abuja

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) operatives have arrested six suspected internet fraudsters in Bwari and Dutse axes of Abuja. Its Spokesperson, Wilson Uwujaren, who said this in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja, said that they were arrested on Monday, following an intelligence report on their alleged cybercrime-related activities. According to him, the suspects are Odey Paul, 25, Greg Odey, 23, Julius Okpanachi, 21, Ugbede Opaluwa, 25, Okpanachi Emmanuel, 25, and Mohammed Abba, 26. He said that items recovered from the suspects included two Toyota Camry and one Mercedes Benz C300 cars, twelve mobile phones and three laptops.
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Uwujaren said that they would be charged to court as soon as the investigation was concluded.(NAN)

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