Enugu distributes NIMASA relief items to security agencies, others


The Enugu State Government has begun the distribution of relief materials to security agencies, Health and Education sectors and artisans in the state.

The materials were donated by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA).
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that they were handed over to the beneficiaries on Wednesday in Enugu by Dep. Gov. Cecelia Ezeilo.

Ezeilo was represented by Mrs Chinasa Mba, the Head of Relief and Rehabilitation, Enugu State Emergency Management Agency.
According to her, the items will go along way in reducing the effect of crisis and other natural disasters experienced by the beneficiaries.

She listed the items to include food stuffs, hospital equipment, educational materials and equipment for artisans.
Responding on behalf of the beneficiaries, the Public Relations Officer, Nigeria Correctional Service, ASP Monday Chukwu, thanked the state government and NIMASA.

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“We are happy to have benefited from these relief materials from NIMASA and it is worth appreciating.
“The items will assist us a lot because they came at the right time,” he said. (NAN)

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