Guest “Best of 2023”: Gab De La Vega

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn't actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Having cut his teeth in the punk and hardcore scenes, notably with his band The Open Cages, Italian singer-songwriter is preparing to release his solo record Life Burns in March 2024 via SBÄM Records, , Epidemic Records, and Overdrive. De La Vega was kind enough to let us in on some of his favorites of 2023.

Hey! Gab De La Vega here! This is a list of albums I liked in 2023, not really a “best of”, since I can't really make a list and ranking. It's too difficult! But these are definitely album I'd recommend to check out. If you're looking for suggestions, here's a list of releases I would probably mention in a conversation about music I've enjoyed this year.
They are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER! Check them all out!

New Love EP
This came out on my own label Epidemic Records, but I'm not biased. This EP is objectively incredibly good, they know how to play, to write music and to have their own trademark sound. One of my favourite bands in Italy at the moment and the fact that they are good friends makes it even more special. If you were lucky enough to see them live at The Fest in Gainesville, FL, you know what I'm talking about!

Free Rein To Passion:

This is definitely one of my favourite bands ever. These guys never disappoint and this album confirms that this is probably one of the best bands around in punk and rock music altogether.
When you write an album like this and then you end it with a song like “The Light, The Void And Everything”, you can have my heart, my soul and all of my unconditional love. Also, when I grow up I want to be Luke Bentham. Great singer and guitarist!

What You Stand To Lose
This band knows how use melodies. There's a lot to learn from them and they make it “sound” so easy, when in fact there's so much behind these songs. I loved them before they put out this album, I loved them when it came out… and I love them even more now that I can call them “labelmates” (it came out on SBÄM Records, just like my own upcoming album Life Burns! How cool is that?!)

The Love Still Held Me Near
When it comes to writing music from your heart, Dallas Green is still unmatched. Such a great songwriter and performer. It's hard to keep making great records after years and years, but when you pour your heart in one and make it so personal and honest, it's hard not to reach your listeners' hearts. I've enjoyed this album and I've listened to it a lot especially when I needed something to warm up my heart.

Billy Liar Crisis Actor
Billy Liar from Scotland released this a few weeks ago and I gotta say, if you liked his music before, you're going to love this album. Punk sounds with the personal touch of a singer-songwriter who wears his hearth on his sleeve. Glad to see him release music via Pirate Press, I hope this will help him reach a broader audience, I'm sure a lot of people will like this album.

Egreen is an Italian rapper and he's one of those who definitely keep it real. This album made me make peace with Italian rap music, and made me feel closer to a genre I kind of lost track after falling in love with punk a long time ago. This album is probably one of the best rap albums that came out in Italy in the last few years and I wish all the rappers out there had Egreen's attitude. This album shows how Egreen knows where he's from and most importantly, where he wants to go. I love the old school vibe mixed with a modern and fresh approach to the genre.

Arkells Laundry Pile
I have a soft spot for Canadian acts, you know. When it comes to Arkells, I like how versatile they can be. Their previous album was electric, energetic, explosive, but still dynamic. This one surprised me as I was expecting them to go the same way. They decided to slow down a bit instead, make it a little bit softer, but they still used the same recipe in a sense: they know how to write songs that will stick in your head. Check it out especially if you're open to something different than usual.

Madbeat La Ballata dei Bicchieri Vuoti
Madbeat is a punk rock band from Turin, Italy. We are technically labelmates too, as they are released by Motorcity Produzioni, who is also part of the effort to release my upcoming album. They have just released their new album (marking their 10th year anniversary as a band). I like the way they write songs and the poetry in the lyrics. Italy has many cool punk rock bands, you can start from here if you want to begin with something more recent.

I got to know Divided Heaven by accident (I love when life makes it random!) and I fell in love with his voice and songwriting right away. Jeff Berman is great both at writing his own songs and reinterpreting classics his own way. This album is proof. If you loved “OblIVion”, this is something you need to listen to right away.

Funeral Party
I know there's another band called Ovlov out there and they are quite popular right now, but in my hometown Brescia when you say Ovlov, you are referring to one of the best alternative rock bands that came out of this place. I'm happy to mention a local band in the list, because they deserve it: this is (supposedly) their final recording, but you'll never know… It's hard to kill a fire that is capable of such great music, I think. Two of them (drummer and guitarist) also play in my backing band The Open Cages and I consider myself very lucky because of that. Check this out, you won't regret it.