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A Time to Be Thankful.

The Friends have been busy in 2019.  The new Curatorial Task Force is working to help shape the building’s collection of art and artifacts to more broadly represent Vermont’s diverse community. This means imagining and supporting ways to display both new additions to the collection as well as past acquisitions that need to be reinterpreted in light of evolving historical perspective. One of the most important examples of this is the Abenaki exhibition now in the lobby that showcases Native American contributions to Vermont’s heritage in the most important public building in the state. The education committee is developing a graphic booklet to introduce a new generation to the ideas of how a democracy works and every citizen’s civic responsibility. An ad hoc committee is considering  adding descriptive labels to some of the State House art collection to provide a new level of context for the state’s history. 

The Friends of the Vermont State House have kicked off their Annual Appeal for donations. The work of the Friends of the Vermont State House is entirely funded by donations from Vermonters such as you who care about the state’s heritage. Please help us continue our work. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by every Vermonter.