How to Travel with Young Kids

Traveling with kids is an adventure filled with precious moments and unforgettable experiences that strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories. It’s not just about exploring new destinations; it’s about fostering deeper connections through shared adventures. Family travel offers a unique opportunity to step outside of the routine and immerse ourselves in new cultures, landscapes, and experiences together. Knowing not just why you should travel as a family, but how to travel with kids, can make it a much easier, much more enjoyable experience.

Why You Should Travel as a Family

The essence of family travel lies not only in the exploration of new destinations but also in the deeper connections forged through shared experiences. Embarking on adventures together strengthens family bonds in ways that few other activities can match.

Firstly, family travel creates opportunities for shared experiences that build lasting memories and deepen familial relationships. Whether it’s exploring ancient ruins, hiking through lush forests, or simply sharing meals in unfamiliar locales, these moments become cherished memories that bind families together. Quality time spent together, away from the distractions of everyday life, fosters stronger emotional connections and a sense of unity among family members.

Moreover, family travel goes beyond personal enrichment; it serves as a powerful tool for nurturing curiosity and broadening perspectives, particularly in children. Experiencing different cultures, languages, and ways of life firsthand cultivates a global mindset from a young age. By immersing children in diverse environments, parents have the opportunity to instill values of empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness, shaping them into informed global citizens.

There is a transformative power in shared experiences. In this post, I talk about the profound impact that exploring the world together can have on family dynamics, fostering deeper connections and nurturing a sense of curiosity and understanding in children. Through family travel, parents have the unique opportunity to create lifelong memories and shape their children’s worldview, making it a valuable investment in both personal and familial growth.

The Importance of Planning

Planning for stress-free travel experiences, especially when flying with a baby or young children, is understated. It is an essential foundation upon which successful and enjoyable adventures are built. In this post, I delve into practical tips and strategies for effective pre-trip organization and research, serving as a valuable resource for parents navigating the complexities of traveling with infants.

By planning every aspect of the journey, from packing essentials to understanding airline policies and regulations, parents can mitigate potential stressors and ensure a smoother travel experience for both themselves and their little ones. In this post, I provide comprehensive checklists and guidelines, hoping to empower parents to approach their travel preparations with confidence and ease.

Effective pre-trip organization is also a crucial component of stress-free travel. From booking flights and accommodations to arranging for transportation and securing necessary documents, careful planning lays the groundwork for a seamless journey. In this post, I offer valuable insights into prioritizing tasks, setting realistic timelines, and leveraging technology and resources to streamline the planning process.

Parents must also understand the importance of research in anticipating and addressing potential challenges. By familiarizing themselves with airport facilities, airline amenities, and destination-specific considerations, parents can proactively address any concerns and better prepare for contingencies. In this post, I offer insights into researching family-friendly facilities, such as nursing rooms and diaper-changing stations, as well as identifying child-friendly activities and amenities at the destination.

Choosing Family-Friendly Destinations

When choosing family-friendly destinations, it’s essential to consider factors that cater to the needs and interests of both parents and children. From safety and accessibility to the availability of kid-friendly activities and amenities, selecting the right destination sets the stage for a memorable and enjoyable family vacation. Several countries around the world stand out as top choices for traveling with kids, offering a plethora of family-friendly attractions and experiences.

Among the best countries to travel with kids, destinations like Canada, Japan, Australia, and Spain consistently rank high for their child-friendly environments. These countries boast a diverse range of attractions that appeal to families, from interactive museums and theme parks to pristine beaches and natural wonders. Canada, for example, offers vast national parks and outdoor adventures suitable for all ages, while Japan provides a perfect blend of cultural immersion and modern entertainment.

New Orleans

For families seeking domestic US travel options, a New Orleans family vacation offers a unique blend of history, culture, and entertainment. The vibrant city of New Orleans is known for its lively music scene, delicious cuisine, and colorful festivals, making it an exciting destination for families to explore together. From taking a steamboat cruise along the Mississippi River to indulging in beignets at CafĂ© du Monde, there’s no shortage of family-friendly activities to enjoy in the Big Easy.

UK Family Getaways

In the UK, several regions stand out as the best family getaways, each offering its own unique charm and attractions. From the rugged coastline of Cornwall to the picturesque landscapes of the Lake District, families can immerse themselves in nature while enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and boating. Additionally, the Scottish Highlands provide a majestic backdrop for family adventures, with opportunities for wildlife spotting, castle exploration, and scenic drives.

Preparing Kids for the Adventure

Preparing Toddlers for Travel

Getting toddlers ready for travel involves several key steps to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for the entire family. Firstly, it’s essential to familiarize them with the travel routine by discussing the upcoming trip and engaging in role-playing activities with toys like airplanes or cars. Packing familiar comforts such as favorite toys, blankets, or stuffed animals can provide a sense of security and comfort during the journey, helping toddlers feel more at ease in unfamiliar environments.

Additionally, it’s important to practice patience and flexibility, as toddlers can be unpredictable. Being prepared for potential delays or tantrums and maintaining a calm demeanor can help manage any challenges that arise. Planning for entertainment is also crucial, so be sure to pack activities like coloring books, storybooks, or handheld devices loaded with age-appropriate games or movies to keep them occupied during long flights or car rides. Finally, don’t forget to pack plenty of healthy snacks and water to keep them satisfied and hydrated throughout the journey, taking into account any dietary preferences or allergies.

Preparing Babies for Travel

Preparing your baby for travel requires careful consideration and planning to ensure their comfort and well-being during the journey. Starting early is key, gradually introducing them to new environments and experiences to help them feel more comfortable with travel. Establishing a sleep routine that aligns with the upcoming trip can also help babies adjust to different time zones more easily. When packing, be sure to include all the necessary baby supplies such as diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk, bottles, and pacifiers, packing extras in case of unexpected delays. Bringing along familiar comfort items like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal can help soothe your baby during travel, providing them with a sense of security in unfamiliar surroundings.

Consideration should also be given to feeding and nursing needs, planning for breastfeeding or bottle-feeding during travel and ensuring you have the necessary supplies on hand for convenience. By following these essential steps and preparing your baby for the adventure ahead, you can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for the whole family.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is essential when traveling with children, as it helps manage behavioral challenges and ensures a smoother journey for the entire family. One aspect of setting realistic expectations involves understanding children’s limits and recognizing that they may become restless or fussy during long periods of travel. By acknowledging these limitations, parents can plan accordingly and implement strategies to keep children engaged and content throughout the journey.

Communication and Boundaries

Managing behavioral expectations begins with clear communication and setting appropriate boundaries. Parents should discuss expectations for behavior with their children before embarking on the trip, explaining the importance of following rules and respecting others, even in unfamiliar environments. Additionally, parents should be prepared to enforce these expectations consistently and calmly, using positive reinforcement and redirection techniques to address any misbehavior that may arise.

Allow Flexibility

Strategies for handling unexpected situations with grace are also crucial when setting realistic expectations for travel. Despite careful planning, unexpected challenges may still arise, such as flight delays, lost luggage, or sudden illness. In these situations, maintaining a calm and flexible attitude is key, as children often take cues from their parents’ reactions. By staying composed and adaptable, parents can help reassure their children and navigate unexpected circumstances with minimal stress.

Importance of Entertainment

Toys play a vital role in managing children’s behavior and keeping them entertained during travel. Packing a variety of toys and activities that are age-appropriate and engaging can help prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of disruptive behavior. Items like books, small toys, and electronic devices loaded with games or videos can provide hours of entertainment and distraction during long flights or car rides.

Crafting a Kid-Friendly Itinerary

Crafting a kid-friendly itinerary is essential for ensuring an enjoyable and stress-free family vacation. When designing such an itinerary, it’s crucial to prioritize activities and attractions that cater to children’s interests and needs while also incorporating downtime for rest and relaxation. By striking a balance between engaging experiences and opportunities for rest, families can create a harmonious trip that caters to everyone’s preferences and ensures a memorable vacation for all.

Incorporating Interests

First and foremost, when crafting a kid-friendly itinerary, it’s important to consider the ages and interests of the children involved. Younger children may enjoy interactive museums, playgrounds, and animal encounters, while older kids may prefer adventure activities like hiking, zip-lining, or water sports. By tailoring the itinerary to match children’s interests, parents can ensure that each day is filled with exciting and age-appropriate activities that capture their attention and enthusiasm.

Importance of Downtime

Additionally, balancing activities and downtime is key to maintaining a harmonious trip. While it’s tempting to pack each day with non-stop adventure, it’s essential to recognize the importance of rest and relaxation, especially for young children. Incorporating scheduled downtime into the itinerary allows families to recharge their batteries, unwind, and enjoy leisurely moments together without feeling rushed or overwhelmed by a packed schedule.


Furthermore, when planning activities, it’s important to allow for flexibility and spontaneity. While having a rough itinerary in place is helpful for organizing logistics, leaving room for unexpected discoveries or spontaneous adventures can add an element of excitement and surprise to the trip. Whether it’s stumbling upon a charming local market, stopping to admire a beautiful sunset, or simply enjoying an impromptu picnic in the park, these unplanned moments often become the highlights of the journey.

Choosing the Right Accommodation

Choosing the right accommodation is paramount when traveling with kids, as it can significantly impact the comfort and convenience of the entire family’s stay. When evaluating accommodation options, it’s essential to prioritize venues that offer family-friendly amenities and cater to the unique needs of children.

Amenities for Kids

First and foremost, families should consider the availability of amenities designed specifically for kids. Look for accommodations that offer features such as children’s play areas, kids’ clubs, babysitting services, and child-friendly swimming pools. These amenities provide opportunities for children to stay entertained and engaged, allowing parents to relax and enjoy their vacation with peace of mind.

Size and Layout

Additionally, when booking hotels, resorts, or vacation rentals, several factors should be taken into account. One crucial consideration is the size and layout of the accommodation. Opting for spacious accommodations with separate sleeping areas or multiple bedrooms can provide families with the space and privacy they need to unwind and recharge after a day of exploring.


Location is another important factor to consider when choosing accommodation. Selecting a centrally located hotel or resort can make it easier to access nearby attractions, restaurants, and amenities, reducing the need for extensive travel with young children. Additionally, accommodations situated in family-friendly neighborhoods or near parks and playgrounds can provide added convenience and opportunities for outdoor recreation.

Optimal Transportation Choices

When it comes to family travel, selecting the most suitable mode of transportation is crucial for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey for everyone involved. While road trips offer flexibility and the opportunity to explore at your own pace, flying can be a faster and more convenient option for long-distance travel. Here are some tips for making the most of both transportation choices when traveling with kids.

Road Trips

For road trips, careful planning and preparation are key. Before hitting the road, be sure to pack plenty of snacks, drinks, and entertainment options to keep kids occupied during the journey. Consider breaking up the drive with frequent stops at parks, playgrounds, or scenic viewpoints to stretch your legs and let the kids burn off some energy. Additionally, invest in travel-friendly gadgets like car seat organizers, sun shades, and portable DVD players to make the ride more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.

Flying with Kids

When flying with kids, seat selection can make a big difference in the overall experience. For families traveling with babies, choosing a seat near the bulkhead can provide extra legroom and easy access to the airplane bassinet, allowing parents to keep their little one comfortable and close throughout the flight. Additionally, consider booking seats in a row with extra space, such as an emergency exit row or a bulkhead row with a vacant neighboring seat, to give kids more room to move around and stretch their legs during the flight.

In-flight entertainment is also key to keeping kids happy and occupied during air travel. Pack a variety of toys, books, and games to keep them entertained throughout the flight, and don’t forget to download their favorite movies or TV shows onto a tablet or smartphone for easy viewing. Many airlines also offer kid-friendly amenities such as children’s meal options, activity packs, and in-flight entertainment systems with a selection of movies and games specifically geared towards young travelers.

Layover Logistics

Layovers can be a daunting aspect of air travel, especially when traveling with kids. However, with careful planning and strategic considerations, layovers can actually become opportunities to maximize comfort and convenience for the entire family. Here are some tips for navigating layovers with kids seamlessly.

Booking Layovers

Firstly, when booking flights, opt for layovers with sufficient time to allow for breaks and transitions. Aim for layovers that are long enough to comfortably navigate through the airport, grab a meal, and let the kids stretch their legs without feeling rushed. Additionally, consider selecting airports with family-friendly amenities such as play areas, nursing rooms, and designated family lounges to make the layover experience more enjoyable for everyone.

During Layovers

During layovers, prioritize comfort and convenience by packing essential items in your carry-on luggage. Pack snacks, water bottles, and entertainment options to keep kids occupied during downtime, and be sure to have any necessary medications or comfort items readily accessible. Consider investing in a travel stroller or baby carrier to make navigating the airport terminals easier, especially if you have younger children in tow.

Strategic planning can also help minimize stress and maximize efficiency during layovers. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the airport and plan your route in advance to minimize walking distances and avoid unnecessary delays. Take advantage of airport amenities such as luggage storage services or airport lounges to relax and recharge during longer layovers.


Finally, maintain a positive attitude and stay flexible in the face of unexpected delays or challenges. Layovers can be unpredictable, but maintaining a calm demeanor and adapting to changing circumstances can help ease tension and ensure a smoother travel experience for the whole family.

Essential Equipment for Family Travel

When it comes to family travel, having the right gear can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and stress-free journey for parents and children alike. Two essential pieces of equipment for traveling with young children are the travel stroller and car seat.

A travel stroller is a lightweight and compact version of a standard stroller, designed specifically for ease of use during travel. These strollers are typically collapsible and easily foldable, making them ideal for navigating busy airports, crowded city streets, and narrow aisles on public transportation. Travel strollers are also equipped with features such as reclining seats, adjustable harnesses, and ample storage space for essentials like diapers, snacks, and toys. Investing in a quality travel stroller can significantly simplify transportation logistics while keeping your child comfortable and safe on the go.

In addition to a travel stroller, a car seat is another essential piece of equipment for family travel, particularly when renting a car or using rideshare services at your destination. Car seats provide crucial protection for young children while traveling in vehicles, reducing the risk of injury in the event of a collision or sudden stop. When traveling by air, car seats can also be used to secure children in their own seat onboard the plane, providing added safety and peace of mind for parents. Opt for a lightweight and portable car seat that meets safety standards and is compatible with both your vehicle and travel stroller for maximum versatility and convenience.

Managing Jet Lag

Managing jet lag is a common challenge for families traveling across multiple time zones, but with the right strategies and planning, it’s possible to minimize its impact and help everyone adjust more smoothly to their new surroundings.

Adjust Sleep Schedules

One effective strategy for combating jet lag is to gradually adjust your sleep schedule in the days leading up to your trip. This can involve shifting bedtime and wake-up times by small increments each day, gradually aligning your body’s internal clock with the time zone of your destination. Additionally, exposing yourself to natural sunlight during the day and avoiding bright lights or screens at night can help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep quality.

When traveling with children, it’s important to be mindful of their sleep needs and routines. Try to maintain consistency in bedtime rituals and routines, even while on the road, to provide a sense of comfort and familiarity for young ones. Encourage napping on the plane or during layovers to help children catch up on lost sleep and reduce fatigue upon arrival. Once at your destination, establish a regular sleep schedule as quickly as possible, making sure to expose children to natural light during the day to help reset their internal clocks.

Healthy Diet

In addition to adjusting sleep schedules, staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet can also help alleviate symptoms of jet lag. Encourage everyone to drink plenty of water and eat light, nutritious meals to keep energy levels up and support overall well-being. Finally, be patient and give yourself and your family time to acclimate to the new time zone. It may take a few days for everyone to fully adjust, so try to schedule low-key activities and allow for plenty of rest during the initial transition period.

Budget-Friendly Family Travel Tips

Budget-friendly family travel is not only possible but can also be incredibly rewarding with the right planning and strategies in place. Here are some money-saving hacks and tips for affordable family adventures:

  1. Travel off-peak: Avoiding peak travel seasons can lead to significant savings on flights, accommodations, and attractions. Consider traveling during shoulder seasons or off-peak months when prices tend to be lower and crowds are thinner.
  2. Meal planning: Eating out can quickly add up, especially for families. Save money by preparing some meals yourself using local ingredients from markets or grocery stores. Additionally, look for accommodations that offer complimentary breakfast or kitchen facilities to further cut down on food costs.
  3. Explore budget-friendly destinations: Choose destinations that offer plenty of free or low-cost activities and attractions. Look for cities with ample public parks, museums with free admission days, and cultural festivals or events that are open to the public.
  4. Plan activities wisely: Research free or low-cost activities and attractions at your destination, such as hiking trails, public beaches, and local markets. Consider purchasing city passes or attraction bundles that offer discounted rates for multiple attractions.

For more tips on how to make costs more effective, check out this blog post.

Check out my e-book, How to Travel with A Baby.

Everything you need to know about traveling with a baby in just 56 pages.

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  1. […] is one of the most amazing countries to travel with young children and their capital city, Athens, is no exception. Their family-friendly culture welcomes travelers […]

  2. […] Traveling as a family offers invaluable opportunities for creating lasting memories and deepening bonds. By exposing babies to diverse cultures early on, parents nurture curiosity and adaptability.  […]

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