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Monday, June 10, 2024

Plateau 2023: Jang backs PDP guber candidate, as party receives 17, 000 decampees

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As the 2023 general election draws closer, a former Governor of Plateau State, Sen. Jonah Jang has thrown his weight behind the candidature of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) flagbearer, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang.

He also assured the Plateau people that if the candidate is given the mandate, his administration will provide the citizenry with the required leadership.

The former Governor equally reminded the party faithful that no presidential candidate of the PDP has ever lost election in the State, since 1999 and urged the people to remain committed to PDP as it is the platform that will salvage the state from the current insecurity and economic downturn.

Jang made disclosure during the flag-off of Atiku/Mutfwang PDP zonal campaign rally for Plateau South, held at the Shendam Mini Stadium, Shendam Local Government Area of the state.

He said, “We are glad that PDP has presented a competent and credible governorship candidate, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang and his Deputy, Ngo Josephine Piyo. I am presenting them to you and all other PDP candidates for the February and March 2023 general elections.

“Plateau people made a mistake in 2015 and we are regretting it because of the hardship, poverty and the government has no legacy to it name. But I am certain that Mutfwang will not disappoint you.

“APC is not a party for Plateau people, we are known with PDP and no presidential candidate of the party has ever lost election since the return of democracy in 1999, we will do what we are known for.” He stated.

Jang, who knelt down and prayed for the success of all the party’s candidates; decried that the State has not enjoy dividends of democracy under the APC administration and urged the people to reject the party in the next election.

Also speaking, gubernotorial flagbearer of the party, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang urged Plateau people to reject APC in 2023 for inflicting pains, hardship and poverty on the people.

According to him, “If we do not kill APC, APC will kill democracy and if we kill APC in 2023, democracy will survive. We are tied of deceit, bad governance, insecurity and poverty; go and collect your PVCs and vote PDP candidates from top to bottom.”

Mutfwang urged the people to ignore false information being peddle by the APC that PDP will not participate in the next election and described it as untrue, saying the party will participate and win overwhelmedly In the 2023 election.

In his address, State Chairman of the PDP, Hon. Chris Hassan who received 17, 000 APC members who have dump the broom and have taken shelter under the platform of the PDP in Plateau South.

He assured them of a level playing ground in the party and urged them to work for the victory of all PDP candidates.

Hassan presented party flags to all candidates of the party in Plateau South and admonished them to mobilize massive votes for the presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar and the entire PDP candidates.

The Director General Atiku/Mutfwang campaign council, Hon. Latep Dabang said the zonal rally marked the beginning of the end of APC in the state.

He said before February 25, APC would be forgotten completely in Plateau while the people will return to PDP their original home.

Former Nigeria Ambassador to Switzerland, Yahaya Kwande and Ex-Ambassador to Namibia, Bagudu Hirse both admonished the people to work for the success of the PDP in the general elections.

Bagudu said Plateau Central, particularly the Mwaghavul have always supported candidates from the South since the era of Amb. Fidelis Tapgun and said 2023 is a pay back time for the central zone with Barr. Caleb Mutfwang.

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