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Saturday, June 1, 2024

I have the capacity to represent our people – Austin Okai tells PDP delegates

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House of representative Hopeful, Mr Usman Austin Okai has said, he will be a voice that will speak for all if given the mandate to represent the people of Dekina/Bassa federal constituency under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP,  come 2023 election.
The leading House of Representatives aspirant disclosed that it will not be business as usual for the good people of Bassa local government of Kogi state if given the mandate.
Okai made this known while addressing the Peoples Democratic Party delegates in Oguma, the headquarters of Bassa local government Area in Kogi state.
Dekina/Bassa federal constituency is one of the three (3) federal constituencies in Kogi East Senatorial district in Kogi state.
“The people of Bassa are special to Kogi state and Nigeria at large because of the local government’s strategic location and its conducive environment for Agricultural activities capable of helping in addressing the fact that Nigeria has not been able to attain self-sufficiency in food production and food security,” Okai said.
The House of Representatives hopeful emphasized on academic performance of the good people of Bassa, stating that they are excellent in academics and unique in their own styles with so many graduates looking for jobs,  stressing that the only way to address the issue is to have a representative who understands their plight and has the capacity to amplify their voices at the National level.
He lamented the fact that Bassa local government is only being recognized during elections and not being remembered for dividend of democracy.
He advised party delegates against mortgaging the future of their children and the youths, insisting that he is the best for the job as the voice of the people would be heard at the national level if given a chance to clinch the PDP ticket.
Okai said with the new electoral act amended, the popularity will count in who wins the general election and that the PDP must not risk the opportunity of returning back to power by giving the ticket to some aspirants who will only come around during election, insisting that he has been there for the masses even without their mandate and that he will do more with their mandate.
“A lawmaker must have a lobbying power and negotiating capacity to attract job opportunity for his constituency and a sound voice to speak on their behalf.”
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