Web Component in Angular

Creating Web Components in Angular

Tuba Mansoor
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What are Web Components?

According to the angular website – Angular elements are Angular components packaged as custom elements (also called Web Components), a web standard for defining new HTML elements in a framework-agnostic way.

What we are trying to do today?

We will create a main angular application and another application with a web component. We will then use this web component in our main angular application by just writing <webcomponent-widget></webcomponent-widget>.

Creating the main angular application.
Web Component in Angular
ng new mainapplication
Web Component in Angular
Creating the web component application
Web Component in Angular
ng new webcomponent

We will change the app.component.html empty as below to avoid confusion later on-

Web Component in Angular

We will need to add the below library for creating custom elements.

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Web Component in Angular
ng add @angular/elements --project webcomponent

We will create a new component in webcomponent.

Web Component in Angular
Web Component in Angular
Web Component in Angular
Web Component in Angular

We can now test if the demo component works by doing ng serve —

Web Component in Angular
Transforming the component to a custom element-

Import injector and createCustomElement.

Web Component in Angular

When you build an app, there are a couple of javascript files created. We will install the following package so that we can concatenate all the javascript files into one.

Web Component in Angular
 npm install --save-dev concat fs-extra

Inside the root of your project, create a build-component.js file and add the following code:

Web Component in Angular
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const concat = require('concat');

build = async () =>{
    const files = [
      await fs.ensureDir('widget');
      await concat(files, 'widget/webcomponent-widget.js');
Web Component in Angular

If in your dist folder, after building the project, some other js files are created modify the above code accordingly.

Next, add a script to the package.json file of your Angular project as follows:

  "scripts": {
        "build:component": "ng build --prod --output-hashing none && node build-component.js",  
Web Component in Angular

Finally, you can run your script to build your project and concatenate the files into one JavaScript file that can be used wherever you want to use your web component to display news. Head back to your terminal and run the following command:

Web Component in Angular
npm run build:component

You will find that in the widget folder there is a webcomponent-widget.js file created. Copy this file to the asset folder of the main application.

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Web Component in Angular
Web Component in Angular

When you do ng serve for the main application, you can see that the main application is able to access the webcomponent

Web Component in Angular
