
Quarkus – Super Atomic Application Loader.

Ankit Verma
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Quarkus tailors our application for graalVM and hotspot. It has an amazing fast boot time, low RSS memory, offering near-instant scale-up and high-density memory utilization in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. They use a technology known as compile-time boot.

Quarkus has been designed around container first philosophy.

Advantages of using Quarkus:

  1. First class support for GraalVM. 
  2. Build time metadata processing
  3. Application will contain those classes which are required for boot and run the application. Java applications when compiled and run we load those classes which are not even required for our application to run. Quarkus do this job at build time so create a metadata at build time which classes are required hence during run time it will not load those classes which are not required to load
  4. Reflection usage has been decreased .
  5. Best feature of quarkus is the native image builder.  (https://quarkus.io/guides/building-native-image)
  6. Hot application reload.
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Quarkus v/s Spring boot 

  1. Quarkus loads half the number of classes as compared to spring boot.
  2. Quarkus jar is half the number of size of spring boot jar
  3. Quarkus hot deployment does not require dev tools 

Native images:

Native image is a technology of Ahead Of Time Compilation to a standalone executable called native image which includes app classes from its dependencies runtime lib classes and statically linked native code from JDK. It runs on the JVM known as substrate JVM. 


GraalVM is the latest VM in one of the latest oracle labs project. It takes a leap with Java 9 when oracle introduced the concept of JavaCI. On the top of that they have build truffle which can be acted as a language specification api so that various other languages can run on this VM like python, R etc.

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