Prof. Abdullahi Isa, has said that the coronavirus (COVID-19) fatality ratio was high, before dropping at manageable level of disease.


According to him, the rising COVID-19 cases in Adamawa; were halted by
the dedication and commitments of front line health works.
The halt in rising cases; was disclosed Tuesday in Yola; Adamawa
state; in World Health Organisation (WHO) weekly snapshot on COVID-19
response in Northeast.
While launching COVID-19 heroes’ campaign in Yola, Prof. Isa; said:
“The COVID-19 pandemic, could have been worse except for the
dedication of the healthcare workers on one side and the cooperation
of people suspected to be positive.
“Although our case fatality ratio at 9.5% is above the national
average of 2.5%, it could have been worse if not for the commitments
and courage of our healthcare workers in communities.”
He noted that the workers have put their lives on the front burner to
save all of us from the pandemic.
He added that the cooperation of suspected cases, particularly those
who reported to isolation centres has halted further spread of virus
into communities.
On whether COVID-19 is real, Abubakar Jauro, 36 from Mubi declared:
“My 14-day sojourn in Adamawa Specialist Hospital isolation centre
changed my perception about COVID-19.”
It started as a joke; when on April 26, 2020, Jauro woke up with fever
and a headache, thinking it could not be Covid-19 as he didn’t believe
the virus was real.
He therefore; shrugged off the symptoms, took his breakfast and went
about his business. But the symptoms of COVID-19 persisted to become
While lamenting devastating effects of disease, he said:  “As the day
went on, my condition deteriorated as I lost my sense of taste and had
difficulty in breathing until my wife took the bold step of calling
the toll-free for COVID-19 response.
“Even then, I persisted in my perception that COVID-19 was a scam by
the international organizations and western countries until I stepped
into the isolation centre.”
Continued; “But after 14 days of eye-opening experience at the
isolation centre, my perception about COVID-19 changed as well as my
status (has changed).
“I’m now being declared a hero today by the Adamawa state government.”
Adamawa state confirmed its index case of COVID-19 on the 21st April
2020, when a 47-year-old journalist who had traveled to Kano, one of
high-risk states.
The Commissioner said that since then, the state has been on the radar
of COVID-19 outbreak in the Northeast.
He said that on June 16, 2020, Adamawa confirmed 42 positive cases of
COVID-19 out of 374 suspects tested for the disease across the state.
WHO’s State Coordinator, Iyobosa Igbinovia also said: “Despite your
current negative status, you still need to observe preventive
“They include regular hand washing under running water with soap or
use of hand sanitizers, social distancing of at least two metres,
covering of cough and sneezes, using a face mask and avoiding crowded
WHO and partners are however; still exploring and studying the novel
coronavirus and much remains unknown about COVID-19.
He warned that facts and myths are still thriving as much as the virus.
Igbinovia added that many people disbelieve the reality and even
accuse the government and partners of mischief.
He said Jauro used to be one of them, but his experience has made a
believer of him.

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