How UK-returned Kashmiri filmmaker became beekeeper

April 14, 2023
WhatsApp Image 2023 04 14 at 7.42.33 PM

Srinagar: Thirty-nine-year-old Faisal Simon of Srinagar was happy with his filmmaking career in New Delhi.

Faisal who completed his Master’s Degree in film production from the United Kingdom emerged as one of the best filmmakers in the country.

 However, he wanted to pursue his passion–farming. So one day he decided to say goodbye to filmmaking and return home to try his hand at apiculture.

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How UK-returned Kashmiri filmmaker became beekeeper 3

 “Covid-19 lockdown in 2020 made me realize that I had enough love for farming.  I am still working as a filmmaker but simultaneously I am also associated with honey farming,” he said.

From 100 bee hives in 2020 to 300 in 2023, Faisal annually produces more than 700 kilograms of pure organic honey, which he supplies to various parts of the country.

“Initially I bought 100 beehives to start this business.  Later I learned about beekeeping from many people. I also read books and purchased literature from SKUAST-K on how to breed bees to explore apiculture,” he said.

What motivated him to start beekeeping was the exclusivity of Kashmir honey.

 “We are fortunate to have access to pure honey. Kashmiri honey is truly pure. It is regarded as the best in the world for both its therapeutic benefits and its true organic origin. Kashmiri honey comes from hilly floral sources without any pesticides or other chemicals added by humans, it is regarded as the best in India.,” he said.

In 2021, Faisal founded ‘Virgin Himalaya’, which has become a household name across India.

“Virgin Himalaya has successfully grown and now sells other products including Mamra Almonds, Kashmiri walnuts, Sunpitted apricots, Himalayan Rock Cut Shilajit, Kehwa Tea Mix, Organic Gulkand and other products also,” he said.

Faisal is harvesting various varieties of honey, which he supplies to his customers through e-commerce. “We produce different varieties of honey including Himalayan Manuka, Wildflower, Acacia, Saffron, etc. People can order Virgin Himalaya products on Instagram handle. They are also available on various websites,” he said.

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Firdous Hassan

Self-help believer, a gadget lover and nature's admirer.
Presently Senior reporter at The Kashmir Monitor with an experience of nine years in reporting business, crime, defense, politics and environment.Have also contributed to reputed media organizations including First Post, India Spend, Forbes India

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