Photo of Olive Garden that has "let's eat" printed on it.
eating san antonio,  elda eats

Eating It Up

“There are only three things women need in life: food, water and compliments.” ~Chris Rock

While I am not going to conduct a science experiment to test Chris Rock’s theory about all that women need, I won’t argue with the three things he lists.

Photo of a glass of wine.
Thirsty? Never fear as water makes wine.

Forever thirsty…

Water? Well, duh. We need water to live. What is it that the experts say, we can only go three days without water before we perish?

Besides, we also need water to make beer, and wine, and iced tea, and Coca-Cola, and for those crazy water ring games from the 70’s and 80’s that were impossible to win.

You are so good looking…

Compliments? I suppose.

As a kid, self-esteem is built on accomplishing things and praising ourselves for accomplishing those things. I loved complimenting myself as a kid!

(Note: I still love to compliment myself.)

Later we also thrive off of hearing our parents and loved ones telling us that they love us, and don’t the compliments especially mean more if they love us because we’re smart and awesome and tenacious and clever. Maybe they really love us because that’s what parents and loved ones do, but it still feels like the greatest of compliments.

And what Chris Rock knows, is that the way to a lot of female hearts is to tell them all the sweet nothings he knows they want to hear. I haven’t been much for those things from boys, but I do love when Peter lets me beat him at Trivial Pursuit…

Forever hungry…

Food? This is a food blog, so I don’t even need to comment on this. Chris Rock also listed it first. His wisdom is good enough for me.

About to feel like a VIP at Olive Garden on S.E. Military.

VIP Treatment

On Wednesday last week, I was able to revel in all three of these elements that we women want.

I was invited to visit the Olive Garden Italian Restaurant on S.E. Military here in San Antonio. It’s a somewhat new location managed by Anissa Gonzalez. Anissa and her team of Audrey, Rosalyn and our server Jackie, made me feel like a real MVP. With food, water and lots of compliments!

Spinach-artichoke dip is the perfect way to start a meal. Or maybe it could be a meal?!

We started off with the famous salad and breadsticks and then had their very good spinach-artichoke dip as an official appetizer. An appetizer that I could easily eat as a meal.

Next up, I decided to have the Chicken Margherita as my main course. It sounded amazingly delicious and is only 550 calories! Did you know that Olive Garden has several main course options that are under 600 calories? I didn’t either!

Photo of Elda.
Thank you for saying I look pretty. Good food always makes me feel pretty. 😉 #chiflada

Oh, and here’s a compliment for you! (Yes, you reading this!)

What’s a pretty girl without a compliment? I don’t know, but I’m telling you that you look really nice in that outfit you have on right now. And I love what you’ve done with your hair!

Zeppoli? “They’re like Italian donuts.” Sold!

What’s a good meal without dessert? Exactly. The Zeppoli were a perfect way to end a really nice experience with Anissa and some of her great staff at Olive Garden. Chocolate sauce or raspberry sauce? Don’t make a girl choose, just give me both and tell me I’m fabulous.

What great options and all under 600 calories!

Winning Friends While Eating Food

Yes, I was invited to Olive Garden to try their under 600 calorie menu, but I would not have accepted the invitation if I didn’t like Olive Garden, and I wouldn’t say it was great if it wasn’t.

Was it great because of the food? Sure, the food was really good. My chicken was tender and perfectly cooked, and I absolutely loved the zucchini on the side (I am totally going to try to make it at home!) Oh, and I already mentioned the zeppoli.

Also, unlimited salad and breadsticks. Who says no to more bread? I should but I don’t as often as I should…

I Ate It All Up

Yes, all that was great. But what made it truly a great experience was the people. I wasn’t expecting such a great welcome, or that Anissa and her team had read some of my blog posts and checked out my social media posts. They didn’t have to do that, but they did. And I appreciated that very much.

They were full of compliments for my photos and my writing and I don’t mind saying that I ate it all up!

Photo of my empty plate.
The compliments weren’t the only things I ate up…

I am not sure exactly where this blog thing will take me, but I have already met such nice people; strangers who have become friends, and share the same kind of enthusiasm for things that I think are important. Or at least fun.

Thankful & Then Just Full!

Thank you, Anissa! You and your team are fabulous. The entire crew there that night were on their game and it made for a really special night. (And not just at my table, but around the restaurant. I was paying close attention.) Thank you for giving me those three things that I guess are most important: food, water and compliments. Add some great service and hospitality to that list and you have the makings of a great experience.

Photo of Elda with a to-go bag.
Feeling fabulous and full!

Hope to see y’all again soon! XO

~Elda Eats

Want to visit Anissa and her great team? Well, what are you waiting for? Call them at (210) 333-0951 and visit them at 3147 SE Military Dr, San Antonio, TX 78223

The longest and strongest loves + obsessions of my life have always been reading, writing, eating and traveling—and the adventures both big and small that have involved any or all of these. Whether by myself, with those I love most, or the new friends made along the way, my goal is to taste all the world has to offer. One adventure at a time.

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