Ritualistic & Radamanthys – Ritualmanthis

2 min read

Band: Ritualistic & Radamanthys
Title: Ritualmanthis
Label: Independent
Release date: 07 July 2021
Country: USA 
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I have never reviewed a split record before but with these two fantastic bands working together I could not miss out on this! let’s dive in!

We start off with Radamnthys laying down technicality and brutality with a melodic edge with the first two tracks.

First up is “Psycai” sounding like a Tech-Death Immortal this track is an amazing mix of all genres of music that nest within the heavy spectrum! can’t flaw this song for its kitchen-sink approach! great way to whet anyone’s appetite!

Next up we have “Eidolon” much more melodic than the previous but still a great level of impact and heaviness, this track is a feat to the band’s musical ability for sure as I found myself absolutely loving it and nodding my head in agreement!

Next up we have Ritualistic with “Leviathan” the tone shifts into a whirlwind of riffs and melodic glory with that great gnarly vocal, love how these guys can shift tone and make it work so well from fast to slower tempos! ough!

Blasting in “Facets Of The Flesh” blows the doors down and hits you in the face, Black Dahlia Murder vibes so much with these guys but they have an edge that makes them stand on their own pedestal, these guys really show off their writing ability and talents with this one ending the EP on a high!

What a fantastic split this was, showcasing the incredible talents and abilities of bands in its most compact and fullest way possible! If you genuinely don’t want to check their music out after hearing this il assume you are deaf. 9/10 Kieran

Band (Ritualistic)

Band (Radamanthys)

9/10 Epic Storm
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