Dynfari – Myrkurs er þörf

3 min read

Band: Dynfari
Title: Myrkurs er þörf
Label: Code666 Records
Release date: 22 May 2020
Country: Iceland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

It’s always fun for me when I see a pop up of a band from home that is available for review; the Icelandic metal scene is a broad one and lots to choose from, all different genres and often enough for me, a blast from the past from when I may have seen them around on that small hunk of rock. It’s also fun to be able to use all the unusual letters again!

The 17th of April marks the release of DYNFARI´s fifth full length album titled Myrkurs er þörf”. Translated to darkness is needed, it is safe to say this album is full of dark and gloominess as the group focuses on atmospheric black metal with philosophical lyrics about death, loss and sorrow. Considering that Iceland is dark the major part of the year, I’d say the inspiration is everywhere and is perhaps the reason why it was done as well. Not to mention that the band has been regularly releasing albums throughout the years ever since their debut in 2011.

“Dauðans dimmu dagar” opens in a traditionally atmospheric way; it’s almost like the sound of a tramp organ which builds with a nice flow and a spacious sound. The dark is dark without a heavy sound, while the doom has a lot of air around it. The grand slow tempo changes dynamically with a fitting spacious guitar tone. There are no vocals on this one, which adds to the atmosphere and sort of makes you appreciate the sound more. The vocals however that did come along in “Langar nætur”are in the form of distant shouting without much tonal strike, adding more of a bitterness to the well performed music.

The album title track “Myrkurs er þörf”plays with chord progression, almost giving me a popier Opeth impression at times. The music is based a lot around the sad part of the emotional scale which is the way it should be when it comes to doom and since it is based majorly around the music it gives the vocals the role of a background lurker. I do not believe that was a mistake.

“Svefnlag” almost effects as a lullaby with a menacing sound emerging from the back void, hinting that the calm and soothing guitars are just transportations to something much heavier. As a follower, “Ég tortímdi sjálfum mér”, or I destroyed myself, is most likely the heaviest one on this album. The typical song structure isn’t present making the song get lost in itself at the point where the vocals come in. The palm mutes are a nice touch though and progressive is they key word.

“Of Suicide and Redemption” has everything that this group has showcased throughout the album, which is a good closure for a nice little circle. The atmospheric post-black metal is done extremely well and with the mix of slow and fast paced segments and shouting agonizing vocals, DYNFARI has managed to create a flow you will come to love. Even if it’s not your thing. 8/10 Julia Katrin

No songs available for stream till this moment, so we will leave you the previous album.



8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**

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